Forum Marketing In Gaining More Downlines
Forum marketing can drive massive traffic to your site if you learn the tips on posting comments and to influence people to click on your link.
There are many forums on the internet with new ones being set up everyday. Popular forums are automatically getting high traffic everyday. This is because people visit the forums everyday. If you want to get more downlines,
then you must learn the skills in forum marketing to drive traffic to your MLM site.
It is best to target business opportunity forums if you want to generate more quality traffic to your MLM site. These forums are all free registration. The first thing is to register as a member at the forums such as:
A few rules for your observation as there are forum etiquettes you must follow:
- When you are replying to the forum thread, make sure you are leaving useful information. If your information can help other people, you will be able to climb higher in the ranking as you are known as an expert in your field. Your readers are likely to click on the link you provided in your comment thus more traffic to your site.
- Signature is very important when it comes to leaving comments in forum. This is because it you can write a good signature, you will be able to drive even more traffic to your site. Just make sure your signature is catchy and attractive enough to influence people to click on your link.
- Because there are so many types of people in the forums, there are people who are agreeing and disagreeing about certain topics or discussions. The rule for success is either you fully agree with the statement or disagree. When you have created a controversial comment, people are likely to notice you and increase your chance of getting more traffic. People would want to know more about you but you must be wise enough not to over reacted with the discussion and affect your commenting.
- Do not leave spam comments such as “Yes, I agree” or “great thread”. These are the turn-off for most people. You must leave beneficial comments if you want to get noticed by other people and gain more respect.
- Sometimes you feel stuck in the forum after spending hours reading and replying to the thread. You must be clear with your goal and stick to the plan.
- Look out for questions about the same issue over and over again. This indicates that the people who ask the question is very desperate in looking for the answer and if you can fulfill whatever the person need to know, you are well respected and you get a good impression.