If you are in Network Marketing and have not made it ahabit of reading and listening to self improvement books…you should change that habit! Many times people complainabout their Network Marketing business not growing, and atthe root of all the failure is that the person has not madeany effort in becoming a better person, someoneothers can see as a leader and want to follow.
I would go out on limb and say that if you do not make ita habit to improve yourself, somewhere along your NetworkMarketing career you are going to stop growing. You mustalways have something to share that will help others feelbetter, be better, and achieve their goals, and without youcontinuously improving yourself you wont be able to helpothers.
And you not liking to read should not be an excuse if youwant to become successful and I know you want to becomesuccessful or you would not be reading this. As you mighthave heard before… successful people do things otherswon't, even though they might not like doing it, becausetheir disliking it falls second to their drive to achievewhat they want.
As a matter of fact the Book on CD I was listening to wasStphen R. Covey's "The 7 Habits of HIGHLY EFFECTIVEPEOPLE". In it he mentions how we should all thrive tomaturity. In a sense we should never stop growing. If wedo this we should see improvements in our lives andtherefore in our home based business.
Now, I'm not going to seat here and talk about the wholebook, but the point he makes on what he calls a "MaturityContinuum" is very much related to Network Marketing andboth what you can expect from yourself and your teamdepending on where in that Maturity Continuum Line you areat.
A Maturity Continuum line from Low Maturity to HighMaturity it would first have "DEPENDENCE" then"INDEPENDENCE" and finally "INTERDEPENDENCE". They wouldbe defined as follows:
DEPENDENCE - Very "You" oriented. You put everything oneverybody else. "You take care of me…" "you come throughfor me..",or "if you don't come through for me, I blame youfor my failure."
INDEPENDENCE - The attitude of "I". I can do it. I amresponsible. I'm self reliant. I can choose. You arefree of external influence. You can get what you want fromyour own efforts.
INTERDEPENDENCE - Think in term of "We". Needing otherpeople to accomplish with you what the whole group desires;like in a marriage, a family, or a network marketing team. Where they simply need to work together like in… we cancooperate… we can be a team… we can combine our talent orabilities and our best efforts to achieve our highestsuccess.
We should all strive for Interdependence in our NetworkMarketing business so that all in our organization have aWin/Win outcome. However, someone whose maturity is thatof Dependence will never understand what it takes to becomeInterdependent until they themselves become Independent. You can not run before you walk. So if you would like tosee your team grow into an organization you have to makeyourself valuable to your team fist. You have to put awaythe blame game and become Independent by acquiring all theknowledge you can in your way to Interdependence!
So go Read eBooks. Attend Conventions. Find OnlineSeminars. Become the person you would want to learn from!
Target Your MLM Clients With Internet Marketing Precision
The truth has to be told! The days of dropping off business cards at gas stations, leaving flyers off at a Wal-Mart parking lot, putting up signs at light poles and stop signs, making a list of 100 close friends, and talking to everyone within a three foot circle around you are OVER!10 Easy Steps to Automatic MLM Recruiting - Revisited - Part 1 Article Marketing
Several Weeks ago I wrote an article on 10 Easy Steps To Automatic MLM Recruiting. It described how to combine online affiliate marketing and network marketing together to form the future of Network Marketing... rejection free magnetic sponsoring. The first Step was to drive traffic to a Lead Capture Page either from free traffic sites, article marketing, or Pay Per Click campaigns like Google AdWords. Today I will be talking about Article Marketing.In Network Marketing Do Not Pay Attention the Crazy Person Waving Their Hands at You!
Have you ever watch a basketball game. When one of the players of a visiting team gets a free throw... what does the crowd do? They make a lot of noise and if you are seated right behind the basket you wave everything and anything you have in hopes you can distract the player from making that basket. Have you ever felt that way in your network marketing business? Everyone wants your attention!