Increase Your Recruitment By Refining Your Network Marketing System
The key to succeeding in network marketing is to make sure to focus on your downline. Learn to do it by refining your network marketing system.
Over the last decade,

network marketing has been seen as a scam or a shady industry that preys on the weak and gullible. This isn’t a reflection of our industry, but it is sometimes a reflection of the people in leadership. The system works, but we have to work to transform popular opinion about our livelihood.
One of the things that has harmed our industry is how some leaders focused only on the profit, and not on the team building. They kept their eyes on the cash and ignored the needs of others, harming their downlines in the process. They signed up representatives under false pretenses, under the need to make a few quick dollars.
Remember: people don’t care how smart you are unless you care for them, as well. If you want to build a solid downline for your business, you need to work on a system that will help your downline duplicate itself. Nagging your downline to make hundreds of cold calls simply won’t work. You might have that drive, but your downline has no interest in doing something so uncomfortable.
If you are planning on setting up a network marketing business system, be ready to test your plan out until you are confident that it will work for everyone. You don’t know what will and will not work until you try it for yourself.
Every person in your downline is your business partner, not your employee. You should be their mentor and their cheerleader, helping them success as they are your sales directors. We all have our place in this system.
Once you figure out the strong points for each of your business partners, you will know what they will and will not be good at. Some people are great at one on one conversation, while others are fantastic at the online component of your promotion plan. Some love to be in the spotlight, so give them the stage time so they can shine. Just make sure to motivate others so they can excel in their own ways.
Once you have figured out the best techniques for training your downline, don’t just stop helping them out. Spend your energy refining your online presence, your blogs and your article writing. Share helpful books and seminars with your downline, and give them the time and attention they need.
Always remember that there is no “I” in team. A team is strong because it works together, as a group. Be a team leader and your business group will succeed for years to come.