Do you know what is one of the biggest reasons why people fail in network marketing?Before we name this reason, consider this example:(Picture of runn...
Do you know what is one of the biggest reasons why people fail in network marketing?
Before we name this reason,

consider this example:
(Picture of runner)
A long distance runner trains for years in order to make it to the Olympic Games. He works for hours, every day of the week. He trains with the best trainers, he eats clean, he lifts weights and he disciplines himself in every area of his life. Finally, he reaches the final race. He begins running the marathon, representing his home country, his family, and all runners watching him on television internationally.
The sun is brutal and his body hurts from the strenuous conditions. He finally makes it to the final mile, muscles aching and body sore. He speeds up to cross the finish line, he leans forward to reach the end….
(Picture of runner fall down or giving up)
…and right before he reaches the final step, he gives up. Because it hurts. Even though he is just feet from the finish line.
So close, and yet, so far. What a shame.
This example reminds me of most new network marketing representatives. It’s very sad, but it’s true. Most people begin their training with high hopes, and they work to get closer and closer to experiencing what it means to be a success in this industry. They are just steps away from becoming a leader…but then they quit because it’s hard. They aren’t looking ahead to the final prize, and they quit before they can bring forth their successes.
If you really want to see results in your network marketing business, you need to be committed to it through thick and thin. You cannot become frustrated because you don’t see results immediately. No ancient oak tree started out as tall as a building.
Network marketing is all about exponential growth – albeit it might grow VERY SLOWLY at the start, nevertheless, it is still exponential growth.
Let me put it this way:
When someone makes the leap to become a representative, they have to go through network marketing training, and break through all of the negative baggage they have been collecting all of their lives. This can take up to an entire year. They have to work through their fear of success and their worries about the future. It’s almost as if they need to work extra hard just to break even. This is why people give up so quickly!
But just because you are having trouble looking ahead to your successes doesn’t mean that it isn’t possible to make it there. Your first success may be small, but once you break event, your successes will grow exponentially!
Even though one may seem small, when it doubles, it becomes two. Then two becomes four, and so on. Eventually, your small success grows to sixty-four, and so on. Once you hit that magical number of four, your growth will be evident. All you have to do is keep your eyes on the prize. Take this time to prepare yourself to enjoy your coming success. Hang in there, and you will see results.