MLM Lead Generation – 3 Tips You Absolutely Must Know
Most people who first start off in MLM/networkmarketing aren’t sure how to generate their own leads.In fact, most people are often told that the best ...
Most people who first start off in MLM/networkmarketing aren’t sure how to generate their own leads.In fact,

most people are often told that the best wayto build an MLM business is to simply buy a list ofleads and “dial for dollars”For all of you that were absolutely mortified at theprospect of cold calling for the rest of your MLMbusiness career, I am here to tell you that the advice“dialing for dollars” from a list provided by a leadsbroker is probably some of the worst advice, and atbest, is only a short term strategy for building yourbusiness until you can master MLM lead generation.In fact, my reputation as a leader and multiple 6figure income earner in the MLM industry was onlyestablished after I gave up on “buying leads” anddecided to generate my own MLM leads.The basic idea behind MLM lead generation is that youhave ultimate control over your marketing and thereforethe type of lead you spend your time taking to. If youhave been calling leads that you bought, you’ll alreadyknow that often times, these leads are not verytargeted and have often been offered a free gift to beon this list – not your ideal candidates.So today, I wanted to start you off by giving you thetop 3 tips that I consider a necessity for kicking offyour own MLM lead generation campaign. These things Iam about to teach you are highly effective in thisindustry and you should start implementing thesetactics straight away.Tip # 1 - Start with a branded website. This is awebsite where you showcase yourself and what you haveto offer your prospect.A big mistake people make is that they rely solely onthe replicated website provided by the company theywork for and this company website leads with thefeatures of their company. Now your company isimportant, no doubt, but first off you need toestablish a relationship with your prospect and thisrelationship isn’t going to be build on your company’smerits – it will be built on what you can offer them.Once they know about you, then they’ll want to knowmore about your company. Remember the old saying“People buy you.” It’s true and the more of you inyour marketing, the better. For an example of abranded website that works, go to our and Both are great examples of leading with yourself first.Tip # 2 – Be constantly learning about the differentways to generate leads online. Now I love marketingoffline as well, don’t get me wrong, but with the arrayof different ways to market online, make sure youbecome a student of online marketing and get your handson anything you can find to help you along the way (wehave a great free video training at 3PercentMethod.comyou can check out.)There are countless ways to generate your own MLM leadsonline some of which are Pay Per Click marketing(GoogleSAdwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, etc…) but youcan also take advantage of these PPC’s engines “contentnetwork” The content network is a little easier touse if you’re just starting out and you can find outmore if you go to the PPC sites themselves.You can also use strategies like article marketing,free preleases and search engine optimization, Ebaymarketing and Craigslist. The best part is, if you’renot sure how to do these things, you can always hireinexpensive outsources to help you out (, or you can plug into products( and get your lead generationgoing.Tip # 3 - Automate your followup. Once you’ve drivenpeople to your website using the various ways we talkedabout above, make sure you to get your prospects onsome type of list. To do this offer them something forfree in exchange for their email address. This meansthat you will be able to follow up with themautomatically. Write a sequence of emails that go outat a set interval and you can be constantly dripping onthis prospect list. Remember what they say about 7 to12 contacts – “your prospect will need at least 7 to 12exposures to make a decision.” Well now you can do thisautomatically. This tactic alone has revolutionizedour business and it can yours too.Make sure that the autoresponder system you use willallow you to write your own customized messages andbroadcast to the list whenever you have news you’d liketo share. Often MLM companies will give you some sortof autoresponder system, unfortunately you won’t beable to use it with your own branded website and you’llonly be allowed to use the company messages.Remember, you want to brand yourself first, so if youfind yourself in the above case scenario do yourself afavor and get an autoresponder that will work inconjunction with your own personal website that you canuse to brand yourself - a very powerful tool in yourown MLM lead generation funnel.With all of these tips working in conjunction with oneanother, you will see how can quickly and efficientlybuild you a wildly successful MLM lead generationprogram. Follow these 3 tips and your quality ofprospect and your closing ratio will skyrocket!