Network marketing has a lot of baggage as an industry. Those who are a part of network marketing are challenged by their supervisors and their upline ...
Network marketing has a lot of baggage as an industry. Those who are a part of network marketing are challenged by their supervisors and their upline to continually tell their family and friends about their business. They do so,
but with fear! Why does it have to be this way?
Too often, network marketing representatives get wrapped up in worrying about what others think when they share about their business opportunity. That makes them share reluctantly, or without any confidence, and people see right through that. This fear and worry reveals that their motivation for sharing their business isn’t very strong at all.
For example: consider a knife. In the right hands, a knife is an amazing tool with the potential to save a life. A surgeon will carefully perform life-saving surgery with a knife. However, if the same knife is in the hands of a murderer, that tool can become a weapon that harms others and can take lives.
Network marketing is just like this.
If you connect with your prospects with the intention of manipulating them, or simply making money off of them, then you’re using the knife completely wrong. You want to be like the surgeon, carefully sharing this knowledge about network marketing that can save a life – because network marketing reveals who we really are. Network marketing will make it obvious if you are in this business to help others. Here are some examples for approaching others when you are talking about your network marketing business:
Don’t be shy! You’ve got to talk about your marketing opportunity with confidence and with conviction! Keep the right mindset: you’re using your network marketing business to save people from a life of poverty, and giving them the tools to empower other people who are struggling like you did once. Remember, this is your best chance at giving someone else the tools to change. If you feel like you are “cheating” others by sharing your network marketing business with the, then your intentions are going to be clear, and you are going to look awful in front of your prospect. So, speak up, be confident, and tell them, “Yes! I am in network marketing!”
You can do the exact same thing with your products. You have a great product in your catalog that can burst your immune system and fight disease. Would be wrong to ask the patient to consider buying your life saving product? Of course not! The surgeon wants to help the patient, and you are trying to help them better their lives.
As a leader in network marketing, your main duty is to help others succeed like you are. Any serious leader will do their best in helping their downline achieve success. Don’t just sit around, waiting for them to connect to prospects and bring them into your network. Go forth with them, and help them out of their harder times or just be there to answer questions. Let them benefit by learning from your confidence, your leadership, and your experience.
Remember, in our industry of network marketing, the more people who join us, the more people you can help battle poverty and spread the word about our products. Network marketing is your tool for success, so make sure that you focus on being a surgeon with your business opportunity.