Renegade System - 6 Preselling Tips To Take Your MLM Business To The Next Level
Find out how to accelerate your downline growth with simple preselling tactics. We reveal 6 strategies to explode your network marketing business growth.
Using attraction marketing principles in your network marketing business can solve the problem of a continual flow of prospects into your funnel.Renegade network marketers are discovering this in droves yet just attracting new prospects into your funnel is not enough. This is the point that separates the successful network marketers from those who simply meander along waiting for that big red magic button which will take their business to the next level.Pre-selling Your ProspectsSo why isn't just attracting prospects into your funnel enough? Simply because they still don't know you and don't know whether you can help them achieve what they're after in network marketing.Pre-selling is such a powerful tool. The art of pre-selling when done right means by the time you're ready to pitch your primary business offer to your prospects they will have already made up their mind about joining you.Did you notice we said joining you and not your primary business? This is the key to pre-selling. How much you can deliver in the way of training and education during the lead up to the sales pitch will have more to do with someone joining your business opportunity than just pitching them stuff like "you'll join a great company" or "the products are simply out of this world!"Using attraction marketing is powerful on it's own: but combining it with a preselling plan in network marketing is simply irresistible. These two principles once understood can literally take your primary business from stagnant to a running river scenario.Renegade attraction marketing using the internet and all it has to offer in the way of creating your online real estate is your "open for business" sign. Let's take a look at how you can then apply pre-selling to help your prospects make up their mind that your the right fit for their plans to achieve financial independence.Pre-selling Tips1. Start to train your prospect from the moment they enter your business funnel.2. Drip information to them which they can use to learn from and apply to their business.3. Provide them with free resources they can utilize such as keyword tools,

how-to videos on how to use Web 2.0 to attract prospects into their business, how to create and use a blog, article marketing tips - anything you feel will propel them forward in their business.4. Don't be afraid to give them stuff for free. This shows them you really care about their success and will be their to help them along the way.5. Do this for long enough - several weeks, a month or even six months and you'll begin to see magic happen.6. Never think short term; always maintain a long term outlook and remember, some prospects will respond faster than others and will want to know how they can get into business with you quicker.