TRAVEL! I don't know too many people that given the money,time, and opportunity that would not like to travel.
My back round is being a small busniess owner with less that 5employees. When I first started my home window tintingbusiness is Florida I had no idea how much work it wasgoing to be and how little I was going to have to vacation.I think most people think owning your own business youcould set your own hours and work when you wanted. But thereality of it is that you have to be there for the business24/7. Everytime I thought I had the right mixture of workand employees something would come up. Someone would callin sick, someone was not having a good day... and I wouldhave to be the one that filled in or actually did the jobagain for the person that was not feeling good that day sothe customer would be pleased and the company got paid. Allthe regular things that went wrong throughout a day and thepaper work left to do at night was not condusive to goingon vacation much.
Needless to say... I went 5 years without taking a vacation.
Then I found out about a business that promised to give methe time and money to be able to vacation. I had to lookfurther into this! What I found out was that by the end ofthe 1990's the Travel industry went through major changes.The popularity of the internet had allowed the airlines topromote their business through the internet so they tookaway most of the commissions from the travel agents. Tenyears ago you could find a travel store on everycorner...These days is hard to find one in a whole town
But like always in business... when one door closesanother one opens up! With the increasing popularity of theinternet many companies saw a way to promote travel on it.Now, nearly 43% on all the busniess done in the internet istravel. Well the internet being so big and the travelindustry being so huge many companies went after thatmarket and we now know many of the bigger ones... Expedia,Orbitz, Priceline, Travelocity, ect. Not one of them hasgot a bigger name than the other... so everyone searchesmany of them to find the best deals.
Well, along comes a group of entrepreneurs that thoughteveryone should have a chance to travel the world and makemoney doing it. Their idea was give a person a way tobecome a referring travel agent from home. This would allowyou to make money working at home on a part-time or full-time basis... what ever you want, and in the mean while youwould be able to earn disconts on travel that is onlyavailable to travel professionals... making it affordableto travel.
This company has grown to be the 35th largest travelcompany in the U.S. and the 11th lrgest in liesure travel.I joined thier business opportunity mainly for the travelperks, but soon found out that travel is very lucrativebusiness. So now I have my very own travel business at homethat allows me to make money from the comfort of my ownhome. No having to get up early, no more crazy traffic toand from work... giving me at least 2-3 unproductive hoursback in my day, not to mention less frustration. I don'teven have to worry if there is going to be enough busniesscomming in... the industry is expected to double in thenext seven to ten years as the "baby-boomers" start toretire. I think I will have many years of exponentialgrowth giving me both the time and money to do what ever itis I want to do when I want to do it. And ofcourse most ofthat time is going to be spent Traveling and experiencingnew things world wide! If you would like to learn more onhow you too can travel and earn money with travel please click on the link in the About "The Aurthor"
Target Your MLM Clients With Internet Marketing Precision
The truth has to be told! The days of dropping off business cards at gas stations, leaving flyers off at a Wal-Mart parking lot, putting up signs at light poles and stop signs, making a list of 100 close friends, and talking to everyone within a three foot circle around you are OVER!10 Easy Steps to Automatic MLM Recruiting - Revisited - Part 1 Article Marketing
Several Weeks ago I wrote an article on 10 Easy Steps To Automatic MLM Recruiting. It described how to combine online affiliate marketing and network marketing together to form the future of Network Marketing... rejection free magnetic sponsoring. The first Step was to drive traffic to a Lead Capture Page either from free traffic sites, article marketing, or Pay Per Click campaigns like Google AdWords. Today I will be talking about Article Marketing.In Network Marketing Do Not Pay Attention the Crazy Person Waving Their Hands at You!
Have you ever watch a basketball game. When one of the players of a visiting team gets a free throw... what does the crowd do? They make a lot of noise and if you are seated right behind the basket you wave everything and anything you have in hopes you can distract the player from making that basket. Have you ever felt that way in your network marketing business? Everyone wants your attention!