Harnessing the Power of Scheduled Writing

May 3


Donald Schnell

Donald Schnell

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Unlock the secret to productivity through disciplined writing schedules, a strategy that can transform your personal and professional life.

Introduction to Scheduled Writing

In the realm of personal development and professional growth,Harnessing the Power of Scheduled Writing Articles maintaining a disciplined writing schedule is a transformative strategy that often goes unnoticed. Dr. Donald Schnell, in his 2003 article "Do the Write Thing," emphasizes the profound impact of treating writing appointments with the same seriousness as meetings with others. This approach not only enhances productivity but also ensures consistent output, a crucial factor for success in any field.

The Importance of Writing Discipline

Consistency is Key

One of the core principles Dr. Schnell advocates for is the consistency in writing. Whether it's early in the morning or a designated time slot, sticking to a routine can significantly influence one’s output and quality of work. According to a study by the University of California, consistent daily routines can enhance mental health and productivity.

Planning Ahead

Dr. Schnell highlights the importance of blocking out time well in advance for writing tasks. This preemptive planning helps avoid last-minute rushes and ensures high-quality work. A survey by Atlassian revealed that planning can increase productivity by up to 80%, as it helps individuals focus on tasks without the distraction of unplanned activities.

Techniques for Effective Time Management

Strategic Time Blocking

Adopting time blocking techniques can drastically improve how one manages their day. Dr. Schnell suggests dividing each hour into four 15-minute segments, allowing for focused bursts of productivity. This method is supported by findings from the American Psychological Association, which state that segmented work can enhance focus and retention.

Minimizing Unplanned Activities

Dr. Schnell advises minimizing unplanned activities to reduce time wastage. The Harvard Business Review supports this approach, noting that individuals who structure their day meticulously tend to achieve more and report higher satisfaction levels.

Case Study: The Hypnotherapist

Dr. Schnell shares an anecdote about a hypnotherapist who saw significant business improvement by dedicating a day solely to marketing activities. This strategic blocking of time for specific tasks led to better client engagement and business growth, illustrating the practical benefits of disciplined scheduling.

Implementing Your Writing Schedule

Start Small

For those new to this approach, Dr. Schnell recommends starting with just one week of planned writing to observe the benefits. This short-term experiment can provide insights into how structured writing times can enhance productivity and creativity.

Use Technology

Leveraging technology, such as digital calendars and reminder apps, can aid in maintaining a strict writing schedule. These tools make it easier to visualize and stick to predetermined writing slots, reducing the likelihood of overlooking writing commitments.


Embracing a disciplined writing schedule, as Dr. Donald Schnell suggests, can lead to significant improvements in both personal and professional realms. By treating writing appointments with the seriousness they deserve, individuals can achieve greater productivity, enhanced creativity, and ultimately, greater fulfillment in their writing endeavors.

For further reading on productivity techniques and personal development, consider exploring articles from Harvard Business Review and Psychology Today.

By adopting these strategies, you can transform your approach to writing and productivity, ensuring that you "do the write thing" in all aspects of your life.