The Pitfalls of Overusing 'Get' and 'Set' in Object-Oriented Programming

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Over-reliance on getter and setter functions in object-oriented programming can undermine the very principles it stands for, such as encapsulation and information hiding. This article explores why excessive use of these functions can be detrimental and offers insights into more effective programming practices.

Understanding Encapsulation and Information Hiding

Encapsulation and information hiding are foundational concepts in object-oriented programming. They dictate that a class should not expose its internal state without strict control. This is primarily achieved through the use of private data members and public methods that operate on that data. However,The Pitfalls of Overusing 'Get' and 'Set' in Object-Oriented Programming Articles a common misstep occurs when programmers create a getter (get()) and setter (set()) for every private variable, mistakenly believing they have achieved true encapsulation.

The Problem with Public Getters and Setters

When getters and setters are used indiscriminately, they can lead to several issues:

  • Reduced Modularity: Each class is less of a black box and more of an open book, which can lead to increased coupling between classes.
  • Increased Maintenance Difficulty: Any changes in the data type or implementation of the data members require changes in the corresponding getters and setters, which can ripple through the codebase.
  • Weaker Encapsulation: By providing direct access to class internals via getters and setters, the principle of encapsulation is compromised.

A study by the Software Engineering Institute suggests that proper encapsulation can reduce error rates and improve the maintainability of software (SEI).

Designing with Services in Mind

Instead of starting with data members and then adding methods to access and modify them, a more robust approach is to design classes based on the services they need to provide. This approach aligns with the principle that the internal structure of a class should be hidden from its users, only exposing operations that are meaningful in the class's context.

Case Study: BankAccount Class

Consider a BankAccount class. A naive implementation might include methods like GetBalance() and SetBalance(). However, this exposes too much of the class's internal state and requires users to manage the balance directly, which is not ideal.

A better approach would be to implement methods such as:

  • DepositAmount(double amount): Adds the specified amount to the account balance.
  • WithdrawAmount(double amount): Subtracts the specified amount from the account balance, after checking for sufficient funds.
  • GetBalance(): Returns the current balance, but only when necessary for the user.

This design limits the exposure of the account's balance and encapsulates the operations that can be performed on it, making the class both safer and easier to use.


While getters and setters are not inherently bad, their overuse can be a sign of poor class abstraction and a misunderstanding of encapsulation and information hiding. Effective object-oriented design requires thinking in terms of services rather than data, designing classes that manage their own data behind the scenes while providing meaningful public methods to the outside world. This approach not only adheres more closely to the principles of object-oriented design but also results in more maintainable and robust software.

For further reading on effective object-oriented design, consider exploring resources from Object Management Group and Oracle's Java documentation, which provide extensive guidelines and best practices in the field.