Article Marketing Revolutionary Technique Versus Bum Marketing
Article marketing helps you to gain link popularity and online exposure to your own website. Why not set up your own website and settle a solid long time online business? This article is written for people who are looking to increase the benefits that they are getting from article marketing and to grow exponentially their business.
Bum Marketing,

as it was initiated by Travis Sago, is teaching you to find a product into an affiliate directory, to set up a landing page (optional) and to write articles promoting that product and driving visitors to your landing page or linking directly to the merchant's sales page. The method is pretty efficient but the article marketing offers you much more possibilities to succeed online.
The purpose of article marketing is not different from other marketing strategies. Website promotion is crucial for all websites, you need to gain organic search engine rankings in order to increase your website traffic. Submitting your website to web directories, a proper search engine optimization, valuable back links are all factors which increase your website's visibility online, but article marketing does this more efficent than any other method.
Free targeted traffic is the key of any success ful online business, and article marketing is the best method you can use for that. It's true that pay per click campaigns are delivering faster targeted traffic, but it's not free and is very risky. The competition is too tight and if you are new in the game your chances are very reduced. As a beginner Google limits you to a number of campaigns and keywords, while the old dogs have no limit for that. There are marketers which are using one million keyords for their campaigns and are spending ten thousands dollars daily. Feel free to compete with them.
Bum marketing brings you free targeted traffic, but it's only a action for the moment. Using article marketing in the right way, promoting your own website and your own business, you gain authority, popularity, high page rank and organic free targeted traffic.
When you build a website you are ranked for few keyword in the search engines. You can not stuff your website with keywords, otherwise you are penalized by the search engines. Article marketing gives you ilimited keywords possibilities. You can write an article for each keyword you want to use to promote your business and this will never affect your website.
Back links are links pointing to your website from external sites. The direct linking Bum Marketing will create back links to he merchant's website while you are struggling to write articles and to publish them. The correct used article marketing will help you to grow your own business, not others. If you publish your articles to ezine directories with high popularity you gain quality back links and the opportunity that your articles will be published and on other websites looking for quality content, which brings you more back links and more exposure.
The benefits of the article marketing used proper are ilimited. If you imagine that you can not use article marketing because you have not writing skills, I suggest you to reconsider that. A thousand miles journey begins with one step. Give it a try. Visit my site for more information.