How to write dynamic articles that increase your website traffic
Writing articles is far more than simply throwing a bunch of words together. This article gives you useful tips to help you write successful articles.
Choose a hot topic. How do you choose a hot topic? The answer is research. It is important to take the time to do a little research before you start to write your article. Research to establish what the target market will be for your article. Go onto the Internet, research, observe and even spy to find out and understand about your target market. What are the hot topics? What issues are being discussed in forums, in niche ezines and popular E books?
Frequently visit article directories and content sites. These websites have up to date articles on many popular topics. Try some of these article directories:
Choose a dynamic title. The article title is your article headline. It is important to create a headline that sparks interest for the reader to read more. Consider these article titles: Losing Weight, How to Lose Weight, Tips for Weight Loss
These titles do not have a lot of punch or create much interest for the reader. Think of your title as a classified ad. If your article headline is crammed on a web page with one hundred others, what will make it stand out to the reader?
To be effective in article internet marketing, you should write articles around the major keywords of the content on your website or blog. These should be interesting enough to entice the reader to visit your site for more information.
An example of this might be to write a 'How-To' article. This is effective as many people go on the web to find information on how to do something. So write an article about your keyword in the style of an article describing how to do something.
Articles should be targeted to the audience who is looking for and needing the information that you are writing about. The preparation and research that you do before the article will help you to answer the questions people are asking. This will then compel them to visit your website to find more solutions to the problems they are trying to solve.
"Close The Sale" with a resource box. The resource box appears at the end of your article. It's the last thing that your reader sees. The resource box is your opportunity to encourage the reader to take action. Work on the resource box to create a compelling desire in the reader to visit your website, sign up for your newsletter, claim their free gift--be very creative!
Promote your article. There are many ways that you can promote your article. You can submit it to the several hundred article directories, free content sites, article syndication services and article announcement lists. Look out for and create a list of newsletters in your target market. Email each ezines publisher a copy of your latest article. Newsletter and ezine publishers are always looking for new articles to publish to their subscribers. Many ezine publishers have thousands of subscribers. What a great opportunity to get known by many readers in your target market.
Now all there is left to do, is for you to start writing. Use these tips and create great articles which will get spread all over the Internet and create traffic back to your website.
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