Marketing Products for Special Events
Use branded marketing items for special activities and watch your corporation develop some goodwill in the community in so doing. Engaged in community fundraisers, such as school activities, church events or local community activities is an excellent opportunity for a industry to get in front of the local crowd in a positive manner.
Provide contest award gifts,

entry passes, event prizes or other freebies to visitors and watch as your company name appears all over the event space. Most charitable organizations welcome contributions like promotional gifts and items that help draw attention to their event and activities. They will, in return, usually add your corporate sector name to their roster of supporters and include mention of your industry or promotional products in their advertising for the event. You may even be imprinted on their advertising items like event banners, umbrellas and flyers.
Put participation in special events over on your list of goodwill activities. You provide inexpensive gift devices that bear your company name or logo imprinted on the gear. You receive publicity, awareness, a possible tax deduction and other benefits from your participation, and that all important intangible benefit, goodwill. There are many opportunities in your local city or town for this type of activity. All you need to do is make a few phone calls and the local beneficial organizations will be happy to have your support and contributions of advertising products.
If you are providing promo products for special events, be sure to coordinate with event planners about any imprint you wish to add to the gift pieces. There may be some regulations or restrictions to beware of before you go to any expense, no matter how small, for purchasing imprinted products. Event coordinators will welcome gift merchandises as prizes, such as clocks, clothing, hats, mugs and similar items. For admission passes, consider the use of imprinted lanyards, pins, badges or visors. These are small, inexpensive gear that are affordable in mass quantities for special events.
It is wise to insist that the imprint at least refer somewhere to your company name to magnify the impact you receive from being a beneficial donor. Be discreet in design and try to coordinate colors with the event theme or team colors if that is an important part of the event. The main idea is to get your industry name, logo or message out to thousands of attendees at the least cost to your advertising budget while still getting back wide reach to a new audience.