I have been doing business online for ... as of this coming March, 2002. Hereare the "Top Ten" methods I have used andwhich anyone can use, to increase ... your web site and email to you
I have been doing business online for eight
years, as of this coming March, 2002. Here
are the "Top Ten" methods I have used and
which anyone can use, to increase traffic
to your web site and email to your inbox:
1. Create an Email Signature File.
Every email you send will show people who
you are, what you are doing online and where
you can be contacted on the Internet. Keep
it short but informative. For more on Email
Signature Files, visit our web page :
"How To Use Your Signature"
2. Register with the Top Ten Search Engines.
In less than half an hour, you can register your web
site on your own with the "Top Ten" Search Engines
and Directories, including Yahoo! And for FREE.
Visit at our Top Ten Search Engines site at:
3. Place FREE Online Ads - DAILY.
Many people will tell you those online ads, either
classifieds or FFA link sites, are a waste of time.
But there is a strategy that can yield you a steady
and consistent flow of "QUALIFIED BUYERS". I
revealed this strategy to my FBCN subscribers
last July with an article entitled:
"The SECRET GOLD MINE Hidden In FFA Link Submissions"
Get your own FREE copy of this article via auto-responder:
4. Apply for a Web Site Award.
Recognition always brings added exposure. And added
links to your web site increase your search engine
"popularity" factor which increases your ranking.
Visit my web site where you will find over 268 Web Site
Awards which you can apply for FREE. You will find
them under our FREE Resources section at:
5. Link Your Web Site with Reciprocal Links
As I mentioned in the Award Sites above, some of the
top search engines, like Google, will improve your web
sites ranking due to the "Popularity" factor.
You can ask other web sites to swap links with you.
For our FREE "Request A Link Form Letter" send to:
6. Write A Letter To The Editor.
Whenever you pick up a newspaper or magazine to read
keep in mind the idea of writing in a comment to the Editor
and when you sign your name include your URL.
You might just get it printed and promoted in Time magazine!
7. Improve Your Keywords.
Visit web sites similar or related to your own web site by
doing a keyword search at your favorite search engine
and visit the top 20 sites returned.
Research the "Keywords" used by those web sites so that
you can also use them in hopes of improving your ranking.
8. Join A Web Ring.
A web ring, which links sites with similar interests, will
improve your "popularity" standing for the search engines
and also bring you targeted traffic.
Visit the original WebRing Organization, http://www.webring.org/,
as they list 1,045,092 of such sites! I am sure you will find one to
match your web site content.
9. Ever get SPAM?
Return it with a polite "Not Interested" and then let your
Signature, as described above, do all of your talking.
10. Register with a Banner Exchange Program.
Banner exchange programs, of which LinkExchange is
one of if not the largest and oldest online, will provide
you with some traffic and again, will increase your rank
at many of the top search engines.
For a FREE list of some of the top Banner Exchanges:
Follow some as many of these "Top Ten Ways To Promote
Your Web Site!" and you will see a dramatic increase in
the amount of traffic and email that your web presence
will generate for you.
How To Make SERIOUS Money On The Internet!
Some people actually come online to make ... join every ... program and MLM ... sight, they email everyone they can, place ads in allthe FREE Ad sites that are ... join dMaking Your Own Fortune Online!
Everyone dreams of living a better life.For some that comes in making more money. Others wantto have more quality time with their family. Still others ... to have the time and money to do the thBuild Your Web Site!
Build Your Web Site.And then ... the phrase made famous by the movie, "Field of ... Kevin Costner and James Earl Jones, just because youbuild your web site does not ... mean