Warning: Writing An Article A Day Can Cause Traffic Euphoria
In an era where you can find private label articles by the hundreds being sold just about everywhere you look and these same articles being submitted, unchanged, to the thousands of article directories across the web, it's refreshing as well as surprising to find content that is original and unique.
Sitting down in front of a keyboard and punching out articles on a regular basis is not what most would be internet marketers have in mind. If one pays $29.95 for 250 PLR articles and as a bonus recieves a nice piece of article submission software. The articles get loaded into the software,

a button is clicked and poof you've got 250 articles, complete with your resource box, being blasted to thousands of article directories. Didn't even break a sweat. Now all you've got to do is sit back and wait for that tidal wave of traffic and sales.Errrr!, Not this time my friend.Chances are that those reviewing your articles will detect the lack of uniqness or duplication and either send it into the dark abyss of cyberspace or simply decline to post it. Directory owners are being inundated with these types of articles, wasting their time and the would be authors time.Writing is about becoming an authority or expert about a given topic and if one is loading up a piece of software, with a couple hundred articles they haven't even read, the only thing they've become an authority on is, operating submission software. Which could be the topic of a good article!The first thing any good writer has had to overcome is themselves. The doubts, the fears, the procrastination, the avoidance behavior and the lack of commitment. If you want the traffic and sales that article or content marketing can bring then it is the above obstacles you'll need to overcome. We overcome them by sitting down in front of our keyboards and begin to punch out what we know about. In time and with experience those obstacles will dwindle then disappear only to reappear when we least expect it, they help us to deepen our commitmentWrite your content as though you were speaking with and individual that needed your help with a problem they were having. Don't preach from atop a soapbox. Simply help with the problem at hand. No one will listen to a know it all. Myself included.If you've created a useful, interesting and informative article you will have begun the process of becoming an expert in your chosen field or niche. People will begin to look forward to your articles. They will have started to believe what you have to say. They will begin to see you as an expert in your field. They might even forward them to associates or friends.If you're really looking for exposure you can contact newsletters in your niche and ask the webmaster for permission to send them your latest article. Go to your nearest Google Search Box and search for newsletters or ezines you want to target. Your confidence will grow beyond belief as more and more newsletters accept your articles.Your traffic and sales will reflect the quality of your content.Write It and They Will Come and you won't be able to stop it, even if you wanted to.Here's Wishing You Well In All You Do,Art Luff