Why Intranet & Extranet Programming Is Critical To Your Business - Intranet Extranet Lewisville
Intranet is to your organization as internet is for the world. Extranet is an extension of your company's internal network to the outside world. Learn how to increase productivity and improve time management through intranet and extranet programming.
IntranetIntranet is your company's private internet. It facilitates online collaboration among employees and managers,

anywhere in the world, anytime. This network uses Internet protocols and even public telecommunication systems. Various tools and concepts used in providing Internet services are also used in building an intranet. In its earlier days there were software packages to help in building this kind of network. But now that option has given way to another new technology. This is commonly known as a web-based intranet. There are different kinds of intranet software that make interface and navigation easy, cost effective and accessible. ExtranetAn extranet is an extension of your company's internal network that allows outside users to provide and access information in a secure environment. Extranet requires extensive security and may need special software to provide user authentication and to encrypt data. Like intranets, large companies have been using extranets for years. The need for special software, firewalls, and trained personnel put them beyond the means of smaller businesses. However, extranets can be purchased from application service providers who will host and maintain the extranet software and "rent" access at a cost substantially lower than implementing and maintaining an internal system. Benefits Of Intranet Programming- Save operation cost- Personalization of employee and managers workspace- Effective sharing of data and security- Remote offices accessing up-to-date forms, data and filesToday, management is no longer confined inside the four-cornered walls of an office. Intranet programming makes "borderless management" possible among employees assigned in other locations, by providing them access to information and operations, on secured settings, in order to perform their specific functions, timely, accurately and with favorable net results. Intranet will certainly improve business productivity. Benefits Of Extranet Programming- Improve collaboration between service companies and their clients- Exchanging billing invoices and payments through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)- Sharing online catalogs with suppliers, vendors and customers Entering into joint ventures with other businesses- Providing online services to customersThe most important offering that companies with extranets have for their clients is 'time savings'. Clients also enjoy the flexibility to access their service providers' past work on the archives on the particular web pages. Extranet programming ensures delivery of services in the most organized manner enhances client relationships. This, in turn, supports customer retention and saves administrative time, resulting in significant cost savings that more than compensates for the extranet.