Take your sensory trip with your lover. Pick scents that turn you both on. Your sense of smell is intricately connected to your brain's memory function and is a source of great erotic pleasure.
Sensational Scents
Your sense of smell is intricately connected to your brain's memory function and is a source of great erotic pleasure.
Time for Exercise: one or more hours
Properties Required: private vehicle or public transportation
Take your sensory trip with your lover. Pick scents that turn you both on.
With essential oils and perfumes, buy the most expensive you can afford. To distill the essence of a fragrance requires a very large quantity of original plant material, hence the high cost for rare quality scents. If your nose is sensitive to smell, the extra cost for the finest fragrances is well worth it.
Health food stores, New Age stores, and many bookstores carry a selection of essential oils. There are also many online retailers. Do a search for essential oils at Google.com and you will easily find a supplier.
4 Freedoms Integration Exercise - Under the Sky
Know that you are part of this wondrous vastness. The universe or cosmos contains everything that exists. The universe is believed to "vibrate" out of "strings." According to Dan Falk, "Each string is as small compared to an atom as an atom is compared to the solar system."4 Freedoms Integration Exercise - What's Good?
Generally your consciousness works to create more of what you pay attention to. Be careful what you pay attention to because you are going to get more of it.4 Freedoms Integration Exercise - Seeing in the Dark
This exercise forces you to rely on senses other than sight. You might be amazed at how much you rely on sight for so many things. You might also be amazed at how many things you can do for yourself without being able to see.