Checklist for Property Condition Assessment
For anyone looking to purchase or lease a commercial property, or for those who currently own commercial real estate, there are plenty of items to look for to ensure the safety of the property. In fact, for a business owner, it can often become a terrible headache to deal with the stress and complications of securing a place for your company. Luckily, there are plenty of ways in which an experienced assessment company can simplify the process of assessing the condition of a property, and also investigate and prevent serious structural, electrical, or environmental issues before they become a serious liability!
Use Your Assessor as a ResourceYour property assessor should be used as a resource for your commercial real estate endeavors. Some may consider assessment services to be helpful,

but somewhat unnecessary. For those who have this perception, you may not be using their services to their fullest potential! First, the assessor or their staff can help inform and educate business owners about the entire process of assessing commercial real estate properties, and can also advise them of deadlines, government records, and other items that can affect which property you should procure for your business. In addition, property condition assessment is one of the best ways to detect potential hidden problems within a property, beyond what you may see on the surface. Having a property that provides an attractive environment for your business is one thing, but finding one that is safe, secure, and will also provide high standards in a building’s overall condition is truly different, and a skilled property condition assessor can provide exactly that.Ensure an Environmental Assessment is PerformedIn many cases, depending on the nature of a business, such as those in manufacturing, an environmental assessment may be required. There are plenty of business owners who may feel an environmental assessment may be avoidable, especially considering these assessments aren’t cheap! But choosing to save money and not have this performed may be risky since problems could arise at the property that could expose you and your business to a huge liability. Having an environmental assessment performed can most certainly help prevent such issues from arising.There are two types of environmental site assessments, the Phase I and Phase II. Phase I environmental site assessments, also known as Phase I ESA reports, can help identify potential environmental liabilities through an inspection of the property and a review of the property’s records, but doesn’t involve extensive testing or sampling of the environment. Phase II on the other hand includes the measures included in Phase I, but also involves soil, ground water, and surface sampling to detect environmental hazards and liabilities. These reports will also be helpful in that they should also recommend options should problem areas be detected.Forensic Engineering Could Be a LifesaverMany commercial assessment companies also provide forensic engineering services, and could be a good way to prevent future safety hazards. The process of forensic engineering is a service for insurance companies and commercial property and business owners that investigates materials, structures, and products that do not work property or fail to function as intended. This investigative service is not commonly required, but it should be employed if you have even a slight suspicion of a potential mechanical or electrical failure.The benefit of
forensic engineering investigation is that it could prevent catastrophic accidents, or at the very least ensure they don’t reoccur. If an accident does occur, such services can help save lives in the future, and also reduce legal consequences should another accident arise! Companies and individuals that provide forensic engineering services are often comprised of fire investigators that can identify the origin and causes of a fire to prevent a re-occurrence. Fire analysis is a blend of forensic sciences and fire science that helps reduce the liability that a business or property owner has to endure, and is the ideal solution for getting many of your own questions answered following a terrible fire or accident.Receiving these services is important for safety, security, and peace of mind. Should questions arise about assessment services, it’s important to contact local assessment companies or consult your board of equalization or board of assessors to get additional help or recommendations for getting a fair, beneficial property assessment.