Following are a few points to keep in mind to keep your AC running. When you get your AC fitted by professionals, you can be confident about the way it works.
A typical air-conditioning system can work efficiently for about more than 10 years (15 years, at most!) when used and handled with the maximum care, and it is unquestionably a long time. But in case, if you are committing minor mistakes while using an Air Conditioning unit, it is very doubtful that the appliance will be capable of completing its expected life span.
To keep your air conditioner running the way it is supposed to, it is advised to take certain measures. Investing money cannot only guaranty you the performance you require from your AC unit. To keep it running and working like new, you should also take out time for the servicing of your unit. If you cannot do it yourself, there are many air conditioning repair services in St Petersburg and around. You can always hire them.
The following are a few pretty basic but vital points to keep in mind to keep your AC smoothly running.
Change Filters FrequentlyPeople must be keen about cleaning and replacing air filters of their cooling systems as dirt, dust, and other allergens can obstruct the filters, limit air current, and hinder the performance by burdening the air conditioners. When your air conditioner is used the most, you should frequently clean the air filter (every one or two months). When you replace and substitute a filthy air filter, you can lessen energy consumption around your household by 15 percent or more.
Some homeowners yearly change their air filters, while others overlook replacing them at all! Nonetheless, it is advised to replace your air conditioner filters every month for the best performance. Not only do unclean and dirty filters create a large amount of indoor air pollution (producing foul smell), but they also jam up your system and waste energy.
Evaporator coils of air conditioner can get dusty over time as their units are installed outside, and cleaning air filters can restrict dirt buildup on the coils. People, therefore, should wash evaporator coils at least once a year.
It is best to have your AC cleaned by a qualified professional. If you have the expertise and can take the essential precautionary measures, you may scrub the dirty coils yourself. It is suggested to have the evaporator coils cleaned annually, as part of a yearly maintenance examination.
Windows Should be CoveredWindow coverings such as curtains and blinds are not just for making the interior design of your home appealing, they can also have a significant influence on the energy efficiency of your home. During the summer, make sure to put covers on all your windows in the morning-time before the weather starts getting hotter.
In addition to this, when the temperature rises during the months of summer, people find themselves decreasing the settings on the thermostat to compensate for the hot weather outside. How easy as it may seem, this tendency is not effective in the terms of cost and energy, as the installed air conditioning system will become strained from being overburdened. To reduce the strain on the air conditioner, consider turning on fans around the home to increase and improve the flow of cool air.
Free Space AroundWhen you have your AC system fitted by professionals, you can be confident that your system will be set up for success. The professionals will take proper measures to install it in the best suitable place around your house. For people who already have an air conditioner installed in their homes, it is essential to ensure that it has enough room to exist there in the first place. The best practice is that there should be at least a few feet of open area around the unit. In a 10-feet high room, the air conditioning unit should be placed at 7-8 feet height. Make sure that the space around the AC should be free of trash and plants.
Just like your house needs maintenance; on the same steps your Air conditioning unit now and then needs a change of filters and cleaning of the coils. To ensure the best services you should consider hiring professionals. For example, if you live in St Petersburg Fl, you can make a Google Search as "HVAC St Petersburg FL" or "Best AC Repair Company in St Petersburg Fl". The browser will show you hundreds of results where you can easily analyze their quotes and hire the company that is most suited to you.
Regular cleaning and frequent maintenance of your air conditioner can ensure that your appliance lasts for long.
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