How Much Does It Cost to Build an App in 2024? The Ultimate Guide

Oct 14


Viola Kailee

Viola Kailee

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App budgeting is often one of the most frustrating parts of the process. Accurately estimating the costs involved can be tricky, leaving business owners unsure of what to expect as they dive into research.

Let’s break it down and help you gain some clarity. In this post,How Much Does It Cost to Build an App in 2024? The Ultimate Guide Articles we’ll explain what factors influence the app budget and answer the question “How much does it cost to create an app”.

App type 

The type of app you’re building dramatically impacts the cost in 2024. It’s the foundation of your budget. 

Generally, there are three types of applications:

Web apps — affordable but limited

Web apps don’t rely on mobile OS standards. One codebase can serve multiple devices, cutting costs considerably. 

Mobile apps — flexible solutions for most businesses

Native development requires coding for each platform specifically, so you’ll pay for expertise. But if you go the cross-platform route — say, using React Native — you might save. 

Smart TV apps — niche, but gaining ground

Developing apps for Roku, Apple TV, or Android TV is a prospective business idea, but it isn’t cheap. Each requires specialized knowledge. 


The platform you choose — iOS, Android, or both — can heavily influence the app development cost. Each has unique guidelines, tools, and user expectations that shape the development process.

Applications for Android. Although it is more complicated, Android provides greater flexibility. A large range of devices with various screen sizes, resolutions, and hardware configurations are supported by the platform. This variance results in longer testing and optimization times, which will unavoidably drive up mobile application development costs. 

iOS applications. Developing for iOS often means dealing with a more standardized ecosystem. Apple provides a consistent range of devices and resolutions, making testing and optimization simpler compared to Android. However, adherence to strict App Store guidelines and Apple's high user experience expectations can require additional time and resources. Native development using Swift or Objective-C can be more efficient but often comes at a higher initial cost.

Cross-platform apps. Many use cross-platform alternatives like Flutter or React Native in order to save money. By using these frameworks, you may reduce development time and expenses by creating a single codebase that runs on many platforms. Still, each version could require some fine-tuning to make sure it functions properly on various platforms and devices. Time is saved, but some customization or performance may be lost.

Smart TV apps. Thinking about a smart TV app? Platforms like Roku or Samsung come with their own sets of challenges. Each requires custom development to accommodate their distinct environments. While it’s possible to develop for multiple TV platforms, each version requires its own work, increasing both complexity and cost.

Number of features

The cost of app development increases with the app’s complexity. Costs can increase dramatically with features like push alerts, third-party connections, payment processing, and geolocation. As a general guideline, you should start with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), concentrating on essential aspects that provide value, then expand the application with other features as needed.

UI/UX design

The way your app is designed may make or break it, and it also has a big influence on how much app development will cost overall. A thoughtful UI/UX design will improve user engagement and retention, even though it requires effort and experience.


Your choice of technology stack affects the app's maintenance, scalability, and long-term performance in addition to its cost. It makes a significant difference whether you choose cutting-edge solutions or straightforward, well-established technologies.


The location and expertise of your development team will significantly affect the price. You can go for a local, high-quality team, or you can opt for offshore developers who often come at a lower rate but may involve communication challenges.

  1. Local development teams. Employing developers from Western Europe, North America, or Australia typically results in excellent work at premium prices. Depending on experience, hourly charges might range from $100 to $200.
  2. Outsourcing teams. With hourly prices as low as $20 to $50, Eastern Europe, India, and Southeast Asia are recognized for providing development services that are more reasonably priced. However, communication, project management, and time zones might provide difficulties for you.
  3. Freelancers vs. managers. Although they could be less expensive, freelancers sometimes lack the resources necessary to manage intricate, large-scale projects. Agencies, on the other hand, typically demand greater charges but provide a larger skill set and team.

Where to cut costs on development

Cutting app development costs doesn’t have to mean cutting corners. There are smart ways to stay within budget while maintaining quality. Here's how:

  1. Start with an MVP. Focus on the core features that matter most. You don't need every bell and whistle in version one. Launch with the essentials and save the advanced features for future updates. This gets you into the market faster and keeps costs in check.
  2. Cross-platform tools. Why build two apps when you can build one? Frameworks like Flutter or React Native let you create a single codebase for both Android and iOS. This can slash development time and expenses. It’s efficient, but be ready to tweak things for each platform.
  3. Pre-built solutions. Avoid creating new ones. To expedite development, make use of already existing libraries and APIs. Do you require a payment method? An API is available for it. Developing a chat feature? Pre-built solutions will take care of you. It is less dangerous, more affordable, and faster than starting from scratch.

So how much does it cost to build an app?

It’s hard to pinpoint an exact price because so many factors are in play. However, here’s a general range based on the app type:

App type Price range
Simple app $10K - $50K
Moderately complex app $50K - $100K
Complex app $100K - $250K
Enterprise app $250K - $500K+
Game app $50K - $300K+
Cross-platform app $20K - $200K+
Smart TV app $30K - $150K+

Depending on the quantity of features, platforms you select, team experience, and location, prices will differ significantly. Ultimately, the cost will increase with the number of features and customizations you choose.