How To Know If He Or She Is Interested Romantically

Feb 4


Roberto Sedycias

Roberto Sedycias

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Dating is something that makes everyone excited and happy. But, when you meet someone that you are interested, you might not know if they are. Here are some ways to figure it out and to embark upon a new relationship.


Suppose you meet someone at a party or gathering or some other kind of event and you spend hours talking to each other. You might think this person is very attractive,How To Know If He Or She Is Interested Romantically Articles kind, and smart, maybe even everything you have ever been looking for. You two talk comfortably, exchange numbers, and then part ways. But now what? This is when the often agonizing process, but equally exciting progression, of pre- dating begins. You can't know that the person is interested or if he or she was just being friendly at a social gathering. How can you tell if maybe there is something more there? Of course, if you had only met once, that is not enough always to kindle a lifelong romance, and so it would behoove you to maybe make contact, call the person up, send a text message, or offer to hang out again and see each other another time.

Now, you also want to make sure that you do not come on too strong. Often, even if the first encounter was a success, coming on too strong too fast can send the person running in the other direction. Moreover, you want to see if that person is interested, which means you have to give them space to show their interest. If you are the one always text messaging them first, or arranging to meet up first and they are either giving you excuses for why they cannot or supplying closed ended answers, then you need to assume that maybe they are not that interested. In that case, you have to give giant gaps of time in between contacting them. The reason for this being, they might simply be shy, and in that case, giving them ample time without your input might get them to show some interest by finally making a move and saying something. However, if you are always the one trying to communicate, you will never get to find out if they are interested if you do not wait and see what they do when you do nothing at all.

Another sign that shows that people are interested is through questions. If you find that they are asking you a lot of questions, it is usually a good sign that indicates that they might be interested in you. In this case, you will be able to show them who you are and tell them about yourself. If you do not ask questions in return, they might not think you are interested, so be sure to respond with thoughtful answers and also to ask some questions of your own, as inquiries are a great and sure fire way of expressing interest in someone.

Sometimes, though, it is hard to tell if they just want to be friends or if they are interested in a more romantic way. Signs that point to the former include casual conversation, some get to know you questions, and also just some good joking and talking and sharing. But, signs that show that the person might want something more could include casual flirting, some kind of personal divulgences, some real opening up and exchanges of secrets and other information. You might get a lot of compliments from the person, admiration, signs of interest, but this can sometimes develop over time. The important thing is to be patient and to know that all things will happen in a timely way and to rush it is to often destroy it. So, be patient, do not get worked up if they are not in constant communication with you, and know that if it is meant to be, it's most likely going to be.

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