Jewish Gift Baskets For All Kinds Of Celebrations
Jewish gift baskets can be of varied categories e.g. gift packages, gift baskets and gift towers.
Jewish gift baskets are of varied categories e.g. gift packages,

gift baskets and gift towers. They are produced with several nice items apart from the genuine, healthful kosher food items. You can also gift these packages with the dishes included in them. There are varied Juadic celebrations at the time of which you can gift Jewish gift baskets.
Rosh Hashanah – Rosh Hashanah is the name of Jewish New Year. It is taken to be the day of creation of universe. It is celebrated for 1 or 2 days based on two different beliefs. Rosh Hashanah delicacies comprise of honey and apples to mark sweetness. An entire fish having intact head dates, black-eyed peas, pomegranates, leek fritters, pumpkin-filled pastries and beets are some other specialized food items for Rosh Hashanah.
Yom Kippur – This is the most sacred time for several Jew individuals. According to rest of the Jews, Passover is the most sacred time. It is based on expiation and bringing together. Prayers and full fast are performed on this day. Water too is not taken. However, fasting is not permitted to lactating moms, diabetes patients and sufferers of other diseases. Bathing, wearing perfume, leather boots as well as sexual behaviors are prohibited on this event.
Sukkot (Feast of Booths) – Sukkot is a festival for seven days and remembers the period in which the Jews were traveling in barren region while heading towards the Promised Land and God took care of them. On this occasion, the Judaic people live in sukkot or booths, normally only while eating, nevertheless some people sleep there too. Booths are called sukkot. The seventh i.e. the last day is named as Hoshanah Rabbah.
Hanukkah – Hanukkah is a festival to be celebrated with lights in Jewish culture. It denotes the win over Seleucid Kingdom which opposed Judaic religion. This is an 8 day festival when lights are lit in a manner of one on the 1st night, two on the 2nd, three on the 3rd, and so on. A specific candle-stand is used for this event. Money is offered to young children on this festival.
Tu Bishvat – This is celebrated as trees’ new year. It is observed by enjoying fruits as well as nuts connected to the land of Israel. Planting of trees is conducted as a tradition on this day. Children gather funds for this chore. The trees are in fact to be planted in the region of Israel, but they are planted locally too.
Purim – This day honors the happenings told in the Book of Esther. The story of Esther is read aloud or illustrated by way of an act. Depreciating noises are made whenever there is mention of Haman. Traditionally varied costumes and masks are worn and Mishloakh Manot meaning gifts of food as well as drinks are offered to poor people.
Passover – Passover is the most pious period for some particular Jew men and women. Pesach meaning Passover celebrates the escape of the bondsmen from Israel from the clutches of Egypt. This is a seven-day celebration during which raised foodstuffs are not allowed as there was no adequate time left with the slaves for raising their bread.