The excessive heat and high pressure in the core of the earth melts the rocks and creates diamonds and peridots.Magma cools down while making its way to the outer crust of the earth. The minerals and various elements in the magma form many sorts of gems like zircons, garnets, moonstone, and rubies.Some gems are created within gas air pockets which are formed in a fast cooling down process like lava eruption. Garnets and topaz are the best example of this.
The excessive heat and high pressure in the core of the earth melts the rocks and creates diamonds and peridots. The diamonds crystallize from 109 to 149 miles down in the ground while peridots crystallize 20 to 55 miles beneath the crust. The constant movement of earth helps these gems to get near the surface.
Usually the creation of gemstones goes through four phases or more in some gems.
Magma Crystallization: Magma cools down while making its way to the outer crust of the earth. The minerals and various elements in the magma form many sorts of gems like zircons, garnets, moonstone, and rubies.
Gas Crystallization: Some gems are created within gas air pockets which are formed in a fast cooling down process like lava eruption. Garnets and topaz are the best example of this.
Hydrothermal Action: Water seepage in the earth crust through cracks gets blended with elements like fluorine, carbon dioxide, beryllium and others. This liquid mixes with more surface water and forms veins of minerals. With passing time and environments changes crystals like emeralds, topaz and amethysts are formed.
Pegmatite: It is a cavity deep down the earth where the elements are crystallized to form aquamarines, aquamarines, morganites, and kunzites.
Hot magma rises up and melts the rocks that come in its way. If these rocks were recreated, the re-heating and melting creates strong and resistant gems like spinels, lapis lazuli, diopsides and garnets.
Plates shifting on earth create mountains which destabilize the existing crystals and they change into new crystals like various garnets and tanzanites.
Water flowing on the surface of earth gathers a big amount of minerals in it. Lakes and oceans are mixed with a lot of elements. But water level never stays stable and same. As soon as it changes, these minerals and elements get deposited on the ocean bed or river bed and with the passage of time form new gemstones. Opals, turquoise, malachite, azurites, amethyst and others are formed and when the water recedes due to any reason these are exposed on the surface of the earth.
The thickness of the earth’s crust is 1,864 miles and 83 % of the total earth’s volume is its mantle. The meeting point of crust and mantle is the center of constant motion, excessive temperature, and pressure. These adverse situations combine together and create the hardest object ever known to humans – diamond.
For collecting the different sorts of gems, ample search is needed and the places where lava eruption has taken place, more gems are found. In their raw and natural form they may not look shiny and colorful but the right carving and cleaning of them from the residues of the ground brightens them up to look as the ones you see them in the jewelers shop.
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