Before you even say a word, the people around you may form an impression of you. Whether the perfume scent is subtle or overpowering, it makes a statement.
You never have a second chance to make a first impression,

and often that first impression comes from your perfume. Whether it is a job interview, a blind date or anything in between, your signature scent enters the room with you. Before you even say a word, the people around you may form an impression of you. Whether the scent is subtle or overpowering, it makes a statement.
The goal, then, in choosing a perfume is to find one that correctly defines your personality or the particular persona that you would like to exude in a given situation. Achieving this goal is more difficult than it sounds. Before going on a shopping trip to purchase your ideal perfume, you should consider two main criteria: type of scent and strength of scent.
There are many different types of scents and you may not know exactly what you are looking for until you go into a store and start sniffing. The sample that you smell in a magazine or even in the perfume bottle itself may give off an entirely different scent once it is on your skin so you should never purchase a perfume without trying it on. If you have at least a basic sense of the types of scents that appeal to you, it will help you narrow down your choices of which perfumes to try. Typical perfume scents may be flowery, citrusy, musky or woodsy.
Flowery scents tend to be more light and feminine, reminiscent of a summer evening outdoors. Perfumes with a citrusy smell are also feminine and evoke feelings of lightheartedness and fun. Musky and woodsy smells tend to be stronger and deeper and give off more of a sporty feel.
Within each type of scent, there are differing degrees of the strength of the scent. For example, some perfumes just emit a hint of a scent and only the people within your immediate vicinity will be able to catch it. At the other end of the spectrum, there are perfumes that are incredibly strong allowing people to smell you coming from a mile away! With strong perfumes, your scent will often linger long after you have left the room.
Careful selection of the right combination of type and strength of scent will enable you to portray your desired message and image. You must consider what that image is as you decide which perfume to purchase. While there is certainly something to be said for having one signature scent which you wear all the time and which people begin to identify as uniquely `you`, it may be worth having an alternate perfume that you wear when the need arises. Meaning, if you are outgoing and the life of the party, you will probably want a strong scent.
But, you may find yourself in some situations such as a job interview or important meeting where you want to come across as more subdued and sedate. In that case, a lighter scent would be more appropriate. For consistency, you may want to choose the same type of scent, just with different strengths.
No matter what type and strength of scent you choose, make sure that you are comfortable with it and with the message that it may send to those around you. Close your eyes, breathe in the scent and see what thoughts come to mind. Chances are, those are the impressions people will have of you when you enter a room wearing that perfume.