Rehabilitative Gains From Simple Trampolines
Trampolines are more than just toys for children. These days, plenty of researchers have found out that the rebounding motions done on them have plenty of rehabilitation benefits for people of all ages.
Trampolines are more than just toys for the little ones. These days,
plenty of researchers have found out that the rebounding motions done on them have plenty of rehabilitation benefits for people of all ages. This post discusses a few gains that they offer.
Stress Relief
- Rebounding exerciser trigger the release of endorphins.
- These substances produce natural anti-anxiety effects.
- Endorphin release have also proven to provide better moods and more positive dispositions.
- Those with depressive and burn out symptoms can greatly benefit from these endorphins too.
Improved Focus
- One comparative study involves giving two groups of students a true or false test. One group took the test after a trampoline exercise while the other did not do so. Those who performed jumping motions scored 15 percent higher than the other group.
- This proves that the jumps can improve cognitive functions such as focus, retention, and short term memory.
Better Postures
- As a person jumps up and down, his spinal muscles are also engaged.
- This strengtens the back and help the person attain better postures.
Enhanced Gait
- Stroke persons who undergo assistive rebounding therapies tend to have better walking gaits at a faster rate.
- This comes from the strengthening of the core and leg muscles through each jump.
- These are also beneficial for high risk clients who have just recovered from illnesses since the jumps involved are low-impact. These do not strain their knee and ankle joints.
Better Coordination
- These motions force a client to try to focus on their muscular contractions.
- As they focus on the muscles, they develop better neurologic and musculoskeletal coordination.
Improved Elimination
- The gravitational pull assists in the movement of the bowel contents.
- There is also increased blood flow to the gut, thus helping the stomach, small intestines, and large intestines contract better.
More Efficient Circulation
- The heart gets to pump blood more efficiently through this kind of exercise.
- Better blood flow means that there is also an improved oxygen delivery to different cells, organs, and tissues in the body.
Stronger Defenses
- The rebounding motion promotes the simultaneous opening and closing of the lymph valves.
- Improved lymph flow aids in the body’s defenses.
- As a result, the person becomes less prone to illnesses and gets to recover at a faster rate whenever he or she becomes sick.
Stronger Bones
- These kinds of movements promotes osteoblastic activity.
- This increases bone mass and density.
- The person becomes less prone to having osteoporosis at old age.
- Kids who do jump on trampolines often also become less prone to fractures.