The Mystic Of Perfume To Seduce The Senses
Perfumes are one thing which always remind you of heavenly fragrance and beautiful sensuous feeling in the heart and soul. They are made of natural products as well as chemicals!
Perfume has derived its name from Latin word `per fumum`,

that means `through smoke`. Perfume was used in early ages by the people to fragrant their religious ceremonies. Perfume was extracted by burning aromatic herbs; generally aromatic gums and myrrh, from trees. From the early civilizations mankind has been very much attracted towards the enhanced feel of skin and good fragrance smell of the body. Perfume has come into being for this reason.
Manufacturing of perfumes started from the times of Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilization and had its own specific importance in trades. Later Romans refined them. Along with time, attraction of people towards perfume increased and they started thinking even about an attractive container to store it. In this sequence Egyptians who invented glass, began to use glass as perfume containers. Glass perfume containers hence were among the first uses of glass.
Today perfumes have an important place in our day to day life. It has importance right from the aspect to derive attention of people towards you to the extent of using in showers and toilet water for a fresh start of the day. Ladies have an extra fascination for it as it is one of the best ways to impart fragrance from skin and attract their partner. It plays a great role in binding them with their partner in every way, whether it is simple chatting, love chatting or love making.
In every aspect ladies take the help of this beautiful invention in different forms, like using fragrant chewing gums to create a beautiful environment to have a lovely talk, body spray to get attention from others and pull their partners towards them. Men are also not far behind in using fragrant sprays. In fact perfumes are used everywhere to create a pleasant environment whether it is a religious ceremony environment or work environment. In Institutions, they provide trainings for using perfumes for making a healthy environment in the institution. They consider it as one of the most important component of personality grooming.
Perfumes have been classified differently. In traditional classifications, it has been classified in more than 1900 classifications. Some of them are single floral, floral bouquet, wood, chypre etc. Their names are derived by the means they are prepared. Perfumes prepared from a single flower are named single floral. Those prepared from a mixture of different flowers comprising a mixed fragrance are floral bouquet; those prepared from woods like sandal wood are named as wood. Chypre, a French perfume family also derives its name from a collection of similar components for preparing the perfume.
Modern perfumes are prepared in traditional ways from herbs as well as using chemicals. They prepare different essence using different chemicals; it might be fruity, light fragrance or a new fragrance at all. French perfume is by far recommended to be the best of the lot. French have a wonderful aesthetic sense and thus they prepare heavenly floral concoction to make themselves fragrant.
With the demand of perfumes rising every other day, the perfume industry of the world also started flourishing. Initially perfumes were prepared from aromatic herbs, oils and other natural ingredients. But with the passage of time several chemicals were also used in its preparation. As the industry grew bigger, choices became wider. Now you can get hold of chocolate smelling perfume as well.
Big perfume brands like Calvin Klein and Nike keep on introducing unique fragrances for the perfume lovers. No matter how expensive, they are perfumes which have a special place in the heart of all. Price range of perfume varies as per its ingredients. Manufacturers are now becoming more conscious on the pricing so that perfume becomes an affordable luxury item for all.