For those interested in selling replicas, Rolex replica watches can be bought in wholesale quality. Rolex replicas sell well, and many vendors are selling them successfully online.
However, Rolex is a trademark of Rolex Watch Company, and anyone who makes or sells Rolex replicas may have not been given permission by Rolex Watch Co. USA. Therefore, while the profits can be substantial, wholesalers Rolex replicas wholesalers run the risk of trademark infringement.
Usually whenever a seller is prosecuted and/or sued, a deal will be made to reduce the fines or penalties. A part of the deal must be that the seller reveals their wholesaler. Rolex then investigates the wholesaler, and prosecutes them as well as any other dealers they supply on the Internet.
The charges brought on the wholesaler are usually the same as the dealer, but the punishments and fines are much greater. Wholesalers have much greater selling volume and power than the dealers themselves. And the only way Rolex can stop the problem of replicas over the Internet is to attack the source – the wholesalers. Wholesalers also have much more inventory (usually in the thousands), so a confiscation can lead to an instant shortage in supply over the Internet.
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