Understanding The Nature Of Perfume
Typically, perfume consists of three notes which evaporate at different intervals of time and emit different scented notes while keeping the base fragrance the same.
Have you ever wondered why the perfume which you bought after liking its fragrance gave out a different scent with the passing time? Or how come the perfume which you liked so much on your friend gives out a different fragrance on you? The answer lies in the composition of the perfume. Perfumes,

irrespective of the brand and the scent, comprise of three sets of molecules. These molecules evaporate at different times giving out a different fragrance each time and since our body chemistry is different from each other they react differently on each person.
The three sets are termed `notes` in perfume parlance. The note which evaporates the fastest is called the `top note` and the one which takes a longer time to evaporate is called the `middle note`. The third note or the `base note` takes the longest time to evaporate. All the three sets have to be perfectly combined to produce a good-smelling perfume. The well- balanced combination of the three notes is what differentiates a good perfume from a bad one.
The first note or the top note is the scent which we smell immediately upon the application of the perfume. This note is composed of small and light molecules which evaporate swiftly as soon as exposed to the air. The top note denotes the freshness, assertiveness and sharpness of the perfume and is responsible for forming the first impression of the perfume. It is on this basis people buy their perfume and thus it is very critical for a perfume to have the perfect top note. For this reason, citrus fruits and ginger are normally used for top notes because these components are strong enough to be perceived at the very instance they are exposed to the atmosphere. The top note or the head note as it is also known is usually felt for about the first ten minutes.
Next, comes the second note or the middle note which comprises of molecules which take a longer time to evaporate. It is perceived when the top note disappears. The general time limit of this note is between two minutes to one hour after application. The middle note forms the main body or the heart of the perfume and for this reason is also called the `heart note` of a perfume. This note gives out full-bodied scents which are warm, soft and expansive. Lavender and rose petals are typically used to form the middle note of a perfume as our honeysuckle and magnolia. The middle note also performs another task that of disguising the initial unpleasant whiff of the base or the third note which turns pleasant after some time.
The final bow is taken by the last note or the base note which gives out the fragrant note right after the middle note disappears. This usually takes place after half an hour to an hour of the perfume`s application. The molecules of this note take the longest time to evaporate and this is the scent which stays with us. The compounds of the last note bind and fix the top and middle notes which are lighter. The base note is normally described as `deep` and `rich` and musk, vetiver and some plant resins are most commonly used in its composition. The scent of the top note and the middle note sets the tone of the base note and vice versa. The origin of the perfume is derived from the combination of the middle note and the base note and forms the main fragrance of the perfume.
Getting this delicate balance right is what makes a good perfume stand out amongst a plethora of perfumes.