You Can Make a Difference with Seals
Many people are not aware that they can make a difference in the lives of seals. You can help species’ survive and live into the future.
Many people are not aware that they can make a difference in the lives of seals. You can help species’ survive and live into the future. Without your help they have a very bleak future. Seals need help against dangers like us. We cause the pollution that kills off the fish the seals must eat. They cannot be successful if they cannot eat. We also are the ones that are killing them because we don’t want to share fish with them. Many fishermen are killing seals every day stating they are entering their fisheries and doing damage. They also want to blame the seal for many fish species disappearing from UK waters.
Fishermen and Seals
It is an unfortunate battle that seals are in with fishermen. The seals don’t stand a chance of winning that battle. Fishermen are illegally killing seals but nothing is being done to the fishermen for doing this. They don’t even get a slap on the wrist as punishment. If the government would step in and take action against fishermen there would be several less deaths each year. The Conservation of Seals Act of 1970 is supposed to protect seals from being hunted or killed for any reason. Unfortunately there are several loopholes that fishermen are using to get out of trouble. The government desperately needs to change the Act. It needs to be readjusted so unnecessary deaths don’t occur.
Pollution and Seals
Another major problem that seals are having is with pollution. The beaches they bask on are polluted and so are the waters that they swim in. This pollution is mostly manmade. Fisheries add to the pollution with toxic chemicals that they use. Everyone needs to take a look at the seas and the seashore as an endangered species. The animals that live here can’t survive with the toxicities that are in the water. Fish are disappearing so seals have more competition. Unfortunately some of the competition is fishermen. Pollution wipes out fish,

sea birds and marine animals like seals, dolphins and whales. A massive cleanup needs to happen and the government can implement such a cleanup. They have the power where you do not.
Do Your Part
You can do your part by taking one day a week or two to pick up trash on the beaches. Much of the trash will harm all likes of creatures that live along the beaches. Seals are just one of them. Sea otters, sea birds and many other creatures live on your beaches. By doing a cleanup of even a small area you are making a difference. If enough people are to take action, pollution can be cut down dramatically. Start petitions to stop culling and killing of seals. Fishermen will do just fine with the anti-predator nets that they can install. You could make a difference with how the government perceives peoples point of view. They may need to know you have taken an interest in the safety of seals and the rehabilitation of the seas. They can implement new laws to help with both.