The Characteristics of Modern Dictators

Apr 26


Wael El-Manzalawy

Wael El-Manzalawy

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Exploring the traits and tactics of modern dictators, this article delves into how these leaders manipulate power and perception to maintain control. From suppressing dissent to monopolizing the media, the strategies employed are both sophisticated and deeply troubling.

Psychological Profile of a Dictator

Dictators often exhibit a complex psychological profile characterized by a mix of narcissism,The Characteristics of Modern Dictators Articles paranoia, and Machiavellianism. They typically believe in their infallibility and perceive themselves as the ultimate embodiment of the nation's identity and interests. This self-view justifies their actions and any opposition is seen not just as a personal attack, but as an attack on the nation itself.

Key Traits and Beliefs:

  • Infallibility: Dictators maintain that their decisions are unerringly correct.
  • Personification of the State: They often conflate their personal identity with that of the country, viewing any dissent as treason.
  • Suppression of Rivalry: Potential threats to their power, including prominent individuals within the state, are often eliminated or suppressed.

Media Manipulation and Propaganda

One of the most powerful tools in a dictator's arsenal is control over the media. Through state-run media outlets, dictators disseminate propaganda to shape public perception and reinforce their regime. According to Freedom House's 2021 report, only 20% of the world's population now lives in Free media environments, highlighting the global challenge of media manipulation by authoritarian regimes (Freedom House).

Strategies Include:

  • Censorship: Restricting access to information that contradicts the regime's narrative.
  • Propaganda: Spreading ideological content to promote a positive image of the dictator and their policies.
  • Surveillance and Punishment: Monitoring media activity and punishing those who criticize the regime.

Creation of Enemies and Fear

Dictators often invent or exaggerate external threats to justify their authoritarian grip on power. This tactic not only diverts attention from domestic issues but also rallies public support against a common enemy. The creation of a state of perpetual crisis justifies extraordinary measures, such as the establishment of invasive security agencies and draconian laws.

Common Practices:

  • Demonizing Opponents: Political or ideological opponents are often portrayed as existential threats to the country.
  • Security Apparatus: Establishment of loyal security forces that operate above the law to quash any form of dissent.
  • Legal Manipulation: Puppet judiciary systems are put in place to legalize the actions of the dictator and criminalize opposition.

Global Impact and Response

The existence and actions of dictators have a profound impact not only on their countries but also on global stability and human rights. International bodies and foreign nations often face challenges in responding effectively to dictatorships due to geopolitical complexities and the balance of power.

International Dynamics:

  • Sanctions and Diplomacy: While some countries impose sanctions or diplomatic pressures, others might support dictators for strategic reasons.
  • Human Rights Advocacy: International human rights organizations continuously expose abuses and advocate for the victims of dictatorial regimes.


Understanding the characteristics of dictators is crucial for global awareness and the promotion of democratic values. By examining the tactics used to maintain power, the international community can better strategize on how to support democratic movements and counteract authoritarianism. The resilience of these regimes and their impact on global politics necessitates a vigilant and proactive approach to fostering and supporting global democracy.