Voting Pro-Environment: A Catalyst for Enhanced Job Creation, Health, and National Security

Apr 26


Mark Jeantheau

Mark Jeantheau

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Voting with environmental considerations in mind not only addresses ecological concerns but also significantly impacts job creation, public health, and national security. This multifaceted approach to voting can lead to substantial benefits across these critical areas, making it a strategic choice for informed voters.

The Intersection of Environmental Policy and Public Health

Clearer Skies,Voting Pro-Environment: A Catalyst for Enhanced Job Creation, Health, and National Security Articles Healthier Lives

The quality of our environment directly influences public health. Air and water quality, along with soil integrity, are foundational to our well-being. The American Lung Association's "State of the Air" report highlights that over 40% of Americans live in areas with unhealthy air quality, which can lead to diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory issues. By advocating for stricter pollution controls and supporting sustainable agricultural practices, voters can help ensure cleaner air and water, leading to healthier communities.

Reducing Chemical Exposure

Many everyday products and industrial processes release harmful chemicals into our environment. By voting for policies that limit or eliminate the use of such toxic substances, we can prevent numerous health problems linked to chemical exposure. For instance, reducing the use of pesticides and promoting organic farming can decrease the prevalence of certain cancers and neurological disorders, as supported by research from the National Institutes of Health.

Enhancing National Security Through Environmental Choices

Securing Ports and Reducing Dependencies

Ports are critical infrastructures and potential targets for terrorist activities. By reducing the need for imported goods through local production and consumption, we can enhance port security and decrease pollution from transportation. This approach not only strengthens national security but also supports local economies.

Chemical and Nuclear Safety

The risk of terrorist attacks on chemical plants and nuclear facilities poses a severe threat to national safety. Advocating for stricter regulations on these industries and transitioning to safer alternatives like renewable energy sources can mitigate these risks. For example, promoting the use of solar, wind, and hydroelectric power reduces our reliance on nuclear and chemical-intensive energy sources, thereby enhancing overall safety.

Economic Benefits: Green Jobs and Sustainable Growth

The Rise of Renewable Energy Jobs

Transitioning to a green economy offers significant job creation potential. According to the Environmental Defense Fund, the renewable energy sector has been growing jobs at a rate 12 times faster than the rest of the U.S. economy. Investing in renewable energy not only helps combat climate change but also creates high-quality jobs in manufacturing, installation, and maintenance of renewable energy technologies.

Sustainable Agriculture and Conservation

Sustainable agriculture and conservation projects also offer substantial employment opportunities. These sectors require a large workforce for organic farming practices, wildlife conservation efforts, and the restoration of natural habitats. These jobs not only contribute to environmental sustainability but also support rural economies and biodiversity.

Tools for Making Informed Environmental Votes

To make informed decisions at the polls, voters can utilize resources like the League of Conservation Voters' National Environmental Scorecard, which provides insights into politicians' environmental voting records. Another valuable resource is Project Vote Smart, which offers comprehensive information on the voting records and policy positions of national candidates on various issues, including environmental policies.


Voting with an environmental perspective is crucial for fostering sustainable job growth, protecting public health, and ensuring national security. By supporting policies and candidates that prioritize the environment, voters can contribute to a healthier, safer, and more prosperous society. Remember, every vote counts in shaping the policies that govern our environmental footprint and its associated impacts on our lives and the world.