Best way to Call C++ from Python Programming Language

Nov 30


Damian Bourne

Damian Bourne

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Explore the easiest and most effective way to call C++ from Python programming language on our website, empowering you to take your coding skills to the next level.


Python's compatibility with C/C++ allows developers to seamlessly integrate powerful C or C++ libraries into their Python code.

By creating Python bindings,Best way to Call C++ from Python Programming Language Articles you can combine the strengths of both languages and unlock a wide range of possibilities for your programming projects.


  • Python's compatibility with C/C++ enables the incorporation of C or C++ libraries into Python code.
  • Python bindings allow for the seamless integration of C or C++ functions and data types into Python scripts.
  • Calling C or C++ from Python can be advantageous when working with well-tested and stable existing libraries.
  • Various tools and methods, such as ctypes and pybind11, can be utilized to create Python bindings for C or C++ code.
  • Understanding data type marshalling and memory management is crucial when working with Python and C/C++ code.

Why Call C or C++ from Python?

If you're wondering why you should call C or C++ functions from your Python code, there are several compelling advantages to consider. Firstly, if you already have a well-tested and stable C or C++ library, you can easily leverage its functionality without the need to rewrite it in Python.

This is especially beneficial when dealing with large and complex libraries that would require significant time and effort to recreate from scratch.

By calling C or C++ from Python, you can harness the power and efficiency of these languages while still enjoying the simplicity and ease of use that Python offers. This allows you to leverage existing code, take advantage of performance optimizations, and access low-level system features that may not be readily available in Python.

Furthermore, calling C or C++ functions from Python enables you to work with specialized domain-specific libraries that may not have Python equivalents. This opens up a world of possibilities and allows you to tap into a wider range of libraries and resources to enhance your Python projects.

Advantages of calling C or C++ from Python:

  • Reuse existing well-tested and stable C or C++ libraries without rewriting them in Python.
  • Combine the power and efficiency of C or C++ with the simplicity and ease of use of Python.
  • Access low-level system features and performance optimizations.
  • Work with specialized domain-specific libraries that may not have Python equivalents.

By calling C or C++ from Python, you can truly unlock the full potential of your programming projects and create powerful, efficient, and feature-rich applications.

Tools for Creating Python Bindings

Creating Python bindings for C or C++ libraries can be accomplished using various tools and methods that provide an interface between Python and C/C++ code.

These tools enable seamless integration of C or C++ functions and data types into Python scripts, expanding the capabilities of both languages. Here are some popular tools for creating Python bindings:

1. ctypes

The ctypes module is a built-in library in Python that allows you to create Python bindings for C or C++ code.

It enables loading shared libraries and calling functions from them, providing a straightforward way to integrate C or C++ code into Python scripts. 

ctypes is widely used and well-documented, making it a popular choice for creating Python bindings.


SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator) is a powerful tool that automates the process of creating language bindings for C and C++ code.

It supports multiple programming languages, including Python. SWIG generates wrapper code that allows seamless integration between C/C++ and Python, making it easier to call C or C++ functions from Python scripts.

SWIG is highly customizable and offers extensive documentation to assist developers.

3. pybind11

pybind11 is a modern C++ library that simplifies the creation of Python bindings for C++ code.

It provides a seamless integration between C++ and Python, allowing developers to expose C++ classes, functions, and objects to Python with minimal effort. 

pybind11 is known for its simplicity and performance, making it a popular choice for creating efficient Python bindings.


The CFFI (C Foreign Function Interface) library is another option for creating Python bindings for C or C++ code.

It provides a high-level API for calling C functions and accessing C data structures from Python.

CFFI offers automated Python/C bindings generation and supports both C and C++ code. It provides flexibility and is compatible with various Python interpreters and platforms.

These tools offer different approaches to creating Python bindings for C or C++ code, allowing developers to choose the one that best suits their requirements and preferences.

With these tools at your disposal, you can harness the power of C or C++ libraries in your Python scripts, unlocking a wide range of possibilities for your programming projects.

Marshalling Data Types between Python and C/C++

When working with Python and C or C++, it's essential to understand how data types are handled and marshalled between the two languages. 

Marshalling refers to the process of transforming data from one language to another, ensuring compatibility and proper memory representation.

In Python, data types such as integers, strings, and lists are stored differently compared to C or C++.

For example, Python's integers are dynamically allocated objects, while in C or C++, integers have fixed sizes and memory locations.

When passing data from Python to C or C++, you need to convert Python objects to their equivalent C or C++ data types.

The same applies when returning data from C or C++ back to Python.

To ensure seamless data transfer, you can rely on various tools and methods that provide the necessary conversions and marshalling mechanisms.

Python Data Types

Python supports a wide range of data types, including integers, floats, strings, lists, dictionaries, and more.

These data types have their equivalents in C and C++, but they are structured differently and require appropriate conversions.

For example, when passing a Python list to a C or C++ function, you need to convert it to a C or C++ array.

Similarly, when returning a C or C++ array to Python, you need to create a Python list with the corresponding elements.

Understanding these data type mappings and marshalling techniques is crucial to ensuring smooth interoperability between Python and C or C++.

Here is an example table comparing some common data types in Python, C, and C++:

Data Type Python C C++
Integer int int int
Float float float float
String str char* std::string
List list Array std::vector

By understanding the differences in data type representations and utilizing the appropriate marshalling techniques, you can effectively exchange data between Python and C or C++, leveraging the strengths of both languages in your programming projects.

Understanding Mutable and Immutable Values

In Python, objects can be classified as either mutable or immutable. Mutable objects can be modified after they are created, while immutable objects cannot be changed once they are created.

This distinction has implications when you're working with objects passed between Python and C or C++.

When passing mutable objects between Python and C or C++, any modifications made to the object in one language will be visible in the other language as well.

This means that if you pass a list from Python to C/C++ and modify it in C/C++, the changes will be reflected in the original Python list.

Similarly, if you pass a mutable object from C/C++ to Python and modify it in Python, the changes will be visible in the C/C++ code.

On the other hand, when passing immutable objects between Python and C or C++, a new object is created in the receiving language whenever modifications are made.

This means that if you pass an immutable object from Python to C/C++ and modify it in C/C++, the original Python object will remain unchanged.

Likewise, if you pass an immutable object from C/C++ to Python and modify it in Python, a new Python object will be created instead of modifying the original C/C++ object.

Comparison of Mutable and Immutable Objects

Aspect Mutable Objects Immutable Objects
Modifiability Can be modified after creation Cannot be changed after creation
Propagation of Changes Changes made in one language are visible in the other Changes create a new object in the receiving language
Examples List, Dictionary Integer, String, Tuple

Understanding the concept of mutable and immutable values is crucial when working with Python and C/C++. It can help you avoid unexpected behavior and ensure that data is handled correctly between the two languages.

Managing Memory in Python and C/C++

When creating Python bindings for C or C++ code, it is essential to consider memory management.

Python and C/C++ have different approaches to handling memory and ensuring correct memory allocation and deallocation in both languages is crucial for efficient and error-free code.

Python utilizes automatic memory management through a process called garbage collection.

This means that the programmer does not need to explicitly allocate or deallocate memory in Python code.

The Python interpreter handles the management of memory by tracking the usage of objects and automatically freeing up memory that is no longer needed.

On the other hand, C and C++ employ manual memory management.

Memory allocation and deallocation are explicitly performed by the programmer using functions like malloc() and free().

This gives the developer more control over memory usage but also introduces the risk of memory leaks or accessing freed memory.

When creating Python bindings for C or C++ code, you need to ensure that memory is properly managed both in Python and in the underlying C or C++ code.

This involves correctly allocating and freeing memory, taking into account the differences in memory management between the two languages.

Failure to do so can result in memory leaks, crashes, or other memory-related errors.

Comparing Memory Management in Python and C/C++

Aspect Python C/C++
Memory Allocation Automatic Manual
Memory Deallocation Automatic (Garbage Collection) Manual (free())
Memory Leaks Less common Possible if not handled correctly
Memory Access Errors Unlikely Possible if accessing freed memory

Understanding and managing memory in Python and C/C++ is critical when creating Python bindings for C or C++ code.

By ensuring proper memory allocation and deallocation in both languages, you can avoid memory leaks, crashes, and other memory-related issues.

Paying attention to memory management is essential for creating efficient and reliable code that seamlessly integrates the power of C or C++ libraries into your Python scripts.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

Before you can start creating Python bindings for C or C++ libraries, you need to set up your development environment.

This involves installing the necessary tools and libraries and configuring your system to work with them.

Here are the steps to get started:

  • Install Python: Make sure you have Python installed on your system. You can download the latest version from the official Python website and follow the installation instructions specific to your operating system.
  • Install a C/C++ Compiler: Depending on your platform, you will need a C/C++ compiler to build the C or C++ code. For Windows, you can use MinGW or Microsoft Visual C++. On macOS, you can use Xcode's Command Line Tools. Linux distributions often come with a C/C++ compiler pre-installed.
  • Install Python Development Headers: To build Python extensions, you will need the Python development headers installed. These headers provide the necessary files and libraries for compiling and linking Python modules. You can usually install them through your package manager or download them manually from the Python website.
  • Choose a Binding Library: There are several libraries available for creating Python bindings, such as ctypes and pybind11. Research the different options and choose the one that best suits your needs.
  • Install Any Additional Libraries: Depending on the C or C++ libraries you want to bind, you may need to install additional dependencies. Check the documentation of the libraries you are working with for any specific requirements.

Once you have completed these steps, your development environment will be ready for creating Python bindings for C or C++ code.

You can now proceed to the next sections of this article to learn more about the specific tools and techniques for creating Python bindings.

Development Environment Setup Checklist

Step Description
Install Python Download and install the latest version of Python from the official website
Install a C/C++ Compiler Choose a C/C++ compiler compatible with your platform
Install Python Development Headers Obtain and install the Python development headers for building Python extensions
Choose a Binding Library Select a library for creating Python bindings, such as ctypes or pybind11
Install Additional Libraries Check and install any dependencies required by the C or C++ libraries you want to bind

By following these steps, you will have a solid foundation for creating Python bindings and accessing the power of C or C++ libraries in your Python code.

With the right tools and a properly configured development environment, you can unlock a whole new level of possibilities for your programming projects.

Creating Python Bindings with ctypes

Ctypes provides a straightforward way to load shared libraries and call functions from them, making it easy to integrate C or C++ code into your Python scripts.

One of the key advantages of using ctypes is its simplicity. You don't need to write any C or C++ code to create the bindings; instead, you can directly load the shared library and call the functions from Python. This makes it a great choice for quickly incorporating C or C++ code into your Python projects.

To create Python bindings with ctypes, you need to follow a few simple steps. First, you'll need to import the ctypes module:

<pre><code><import ctypes>

Next, you'll need to load the shared library using the ctypes.CDLL function:

<pre><code><my_library = ctypes.CDLL('path/to/shared/library')

Once you've loaded the library, you can access and call the functions defined in the C or C++ code using ctypes. For example, if your library has a function called my_function, you can call it from Python like this:


With ctypes, you can also work with C data types in Python. By defining the correct data types using the ctypes module, you can easily pass data between Python and C or C++ code.

This modern C++ library simplifies the process of integrating C++ code with Python, providing a seamless integration between the two languages.

Creating Python Bindings with pybind11

When it comes to creating Python bindings for C++ code, pybind11 is a powerful and modern C++ library that simplifies the process.

With pybind11, you can seamlessly expose C++ classes, functions, and objects to Python, allowing for easy integration and utilization of C++ code within Python scripts.

One of the key advantages of using pybind11 is its simplicity and ease of use. It provides a clear and intuitive interface that makes it straightforward to generate Python bindings for your C++ code.

With just a few lines of code, you can create a bridge between C++ and Python and take advantage of the strengths of both languages.

Another benefit of pybind11 is its high performance. It leverages the features of the C++ language, such as template metaprogramming and compile-time optimizations, to generate efficient and optimized code.

This allows for seamless integration between C++ and Python without sacrificing performance.

Comparison of pybind11 and ctypes

Feature pybind11 ctypes
Language Support C++ C, C++
Ease of Use Simple and intuitive Requires knowledge of C/C++ pointers and data types
Performance High performance with compile-time optimizations Lower performance due to the overhead of dynamic function calls
Bindings Generation Automatically generates bindings Manual creation of function prototypes

In comparison to other tools like ctypes, pybind11 provides a more seamless and efficient way to create Python bindings for C++ code.

While ctypes is limited to working with C and C++ code, pybind11 offers more extensive support for C++ code specifically.

Pybind11 automatically generates the necessary bindings, eliminating the need for manually creating function prototypes, and providing better performance through compile-time optimizations.

With pybind11, you can harness the full potential of C++ code within Python and unlock a wide range of possibilities for your programming projects.

Whether you're looking to utilize existing C++ libraries or build high-performance Python extensions, pybind11 is a powerful choice for creating Python bindings.

Wrapping Up

By combining the power of Python with the functionality of C or C++, you can take advantage of existing well-tested libraries without the need for time-consuming rewrites.

We discussed the advantages of calling C or C++ from Python, highlighting the ability to leverage the functionality of existing C or C++ libraries, especially when dealing with large, complex codebases. By creating Python bindings, you can harness the strengths of both languages and enhance the capabilities of your programming projects.

We also explored the tools available for creating Python bindings, such as ctypes and pybind11. These tools provide an interface between Python and C or C++ code, making it easier to call functions and pass data between the two languages.

Whether you choose to use the built-in ctypes module or the modern pybind11 library, you have options to suit your specific needs.

Throughout the article, we discussed the considerations for marshalling data types between Python and C/C++, the distinction between mutable and immutable values, and the importance of memory management when working with Python and C/C++.

By understanding these concepts, you can effectively create Python bindings that seamlessly bridge the gap between these two languages.


If you're interested in diving deeper into the world of Python bindings for C or C++ code, here are some additional resources that can help you expand your knowledge and skills:

1. Official Python Documentation

The official Python documentation provides detailed information on the various tools and methods for creating Python bindings.

It includes tutorials, examples, and reference materials that cover a wide range of topics related to Python and C/C++ integration.

2. Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow is a popular online community where developers can ask questions and find answers related to programming.

There are numerous discussions and solutions available on Stack Overflow that can help you overcome challenges and learn from the experiences of other developers.

3. GitHub

GitHub is a platform for hosting and collaborating on software development projects. You can find open-source Python projects that utilize C or C++ libraries and study their implementation to gain insights and inspiration for your own projects.

Additionally, many libraries and frameworks have their own repositories on GitHub, where you can find documentation and examples for creating Python bindings.

By exploring these resources, you can enhance your understanding of Python bindings for C or C++ code and discover new techniques and approaches to integrate the power of these languages in your projects.


Python's compatibility with C/C++ opens up a world of possibilities for developers. By creating Python bindings, you can seamlessly integrate powerful C or C++ libraries into your Python code, combining the strengths of both languages.

Setting up your development environment is the first step towards creating Python bindings. Make sure to install the necessary tools and libraries to seamlessly integrate C/C++ code into your Python projects.

With a well-configured environment, you'll be ready to take full advantage of the integration capabilities between Python and C/C++.


What is Python's compatibility with C/C++?

Python is compatible with C/C++, allowing you to integrate C/C++ libraries into your Python code.

Why would I want to call C or C++ functions from Python?

Calling C or C++ functions from Python allows you to utilize existing well-tested libraries without having to rewrite them in Python.

What tools are available for creating Python bindings?

There are several tools available, including ctypes and pybind11, that allow you to create Python bindings for C or C++ code.

How do I marshal data types between Python and C/C++?

Marshalling involves transforming the memory representation of an object to a suitable format for storage or transmission between Python and C/C++.

What is the difference between mutable and immutable values?

In Python, mutable values can be modified after creation, while immutable values cannot be changed.

How do I manage memory in Python and C/C++ when creating bindings?

Python and C/C++ have different approaches to memory management, and it is essential to allocate and free memory correctly in both languages.

How do I set up my development environment for creating Python bindings?

Setting up your development environment involves installing the necessary tools and libraries and configuring your system to work with them.

How can I create Python bindings using the built-in ctypes module?

The ctypes module in Python's standard library allows you to load shared libraries and call functions from them, making it easy to integrate C or C++ code into your Python scripts.

What is pybind11 and how does it simplify creating Python bindings for C++ code?

pybind11 is a modern C++ library that provides a seamless integration between C++ and Python, making it easier to create Python bindings for C++ code.

What are some additional resources for learning more about Python bindings for C/C++ code?

Here are some additional resources to help you dive deeper into Python bindings for C/C++ code: