Solidity Programming Language for Beginners

Nov 21


Damian Bourne

Damian Bourne

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Welcome to the world of blockchain development! If you're a beginner looking to dive into this exciting field, one programming language you need to familiarize yourself with is Solidity.



  • Solidity is the main programming language for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Remix is a browser-based IDE that allows you to write,Solidity Programming Language for Beginners Articles compile, and deploy smart contracts without the need for additional tools or installations.
  • By learning Solidity, you'll be equipped to build your own blockchain applications.
  • Explore further resources to continue your learning journey in Solidity development.

Intro to Solidity

Solidity is a high-level programming language specifically designed for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. 

It serves as the backbone for creating and storing the logic that interacts with the blockchain. If you are new to Ethereum and smart contract development, Solidity is the language you need to learn.

One of the most accessible ways to start coding in Solidity is by using the Remix IDE. 

Remix is a browser-based integrated development environment that provides a user-friendly interface for writing, testing, and deploying smart contracts. 

It eliminates the need for complex installations or additional tools, making it ideal for beginners.

By utilizing Remix, you can quickly get up and running with Solidity. It offers features such as code storage, real-time compilation, and automated deployment. 

Remix also includes a comprehensive debugging environment, making it easier to identify and fix any issues in your code. 

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, Remix reduces the friction of Solidity development and streamlines the process.

The Remix IDE

The Remix IDE is a powerful tool for Solidity development. It provides a visually appealing and intuitive interface, allowing you to write code with ease. 

Remix offers syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and error checking, helping you write clean and error-free code.

Additionally, Remix comes with a built-in Solidity compiler and a virtual blockchain emulator. 

This enables you to compile your code and simulate its execution before deploying it on the live Ethereum network. 

Remix also supports interaction with existing contracts and provides a convenient way to test and debug your smart contracts.

With its simplicity and comprehensive features, Remix is the perfect choice for beginners looking to dive into Solidity programming. 

It offers a smooth learning curve and a seamless development experience, making it easier to understand the nuances of smart contract development on the Ethereum blockchain.

Data Types and Data Structures

Solidity, as a programming language for smart contract development, offers a wide range of data types and data structures that enable developers to define variables and organize and manipulate data within their contracts. 

Understanding these concepts is crucial for building robust and efficient blockchain applications using Solidity.

Data Types

Solidity supports various data types, including strings, booleans, integers, and addresses. These data types allow for the storage and retrieval of different kinds of values in smart contracts. By using the appropriate data type, you can ensure the accuracy and integrity of your contract's data.

Data Structures

In addition to data types, Solidity provides data structures such as enums, structs, and mappings. 

Enums allow you to define a set of named values, which can be useful for representing states or options within your contract. Structs allow you to define custom data types with multiple properties, making it easier to organize and work with complex data. 

Mappings are key-value pairs that enable you to create efficient data lookup tables.

Using Data Types and Data Structures

To use data types and data structures in Solidity, you need to declare variables of the appropriate type and define how they should be initialized and manipulated. By leveraging these features, you can ensure the integrity and efficiency of your smart contracts.

Data Type Description
bool A boolean value that can be either true or false.
uint An unsigned integer of various sizes (uint8, uint16, uint256, etc.).
int A signed integer of various sizes (int8, int16, int256, etc.).
address A 20-byte Ethereum address.
string A variable-length string of characters.
enum A user-defined type that represents a set of named values.
struct A user-defined type that encapsulates multiple properties.
mapping A key-value data structure for efficient data lookup.

Function Visibility, Modifiers & Time

Solidity provides developers with powerful features for controlling the visibility of functions, adding additional checks or operations to functions, and working with time in smart contracts. 

Understanding these concepts is crucial for building secure and efficient blockchain applications.

Function Visibility

Function visibility determines who can call and access a specific function in a smart contract. Solidity offers different visibility modifiers that can be applied to functions, including:

  • public: Allows any account, both internal and external, to call the function.
  • private: Restricts the function's access to the current contract and cannot be called externally.
  • internal: Makes the function accessible only within the current contract and any contracts that inherit from it.
  • external: Limits the function's access to external accounts and contracts, but not to other functions within the same contract.

By properly defining function visibility, you can control the level of access to your contract's functions, ensuring that sensitive operations are only executed by authorized parties.


Solidity's modifiers are special function-like constructs that can be used to add additional checks or operations before executing a function's code. 

Modifiers are typically used to enforce certain conditions or restrictions on function calls. 

For example, you can create a modifier that checks whether the caller is the contract's owner or that validates a specific condition before allowing the function to proceed.

Modifiers can help improve the security and efficiency of your smart contracts by reducing code duplication and enforcing consistent behavior across multiple functions.

Time Manipulation

Solidity provides several functions and keywords for working with time in smart contracts. 

These features allow contracts to interact with the blockchain's timestamp and manipulate time-related operations. 

For instance, you can use the now keyword to access the current block's timestamp, or perform calculations based on specific time intervals.

By leveraging time manipulation in your smart contracts, you can implement time-based functionalities, such as locking periods, expiry dates, or time-dependent conditions.

Function Visibility Modifiers

Modifier Scope Description
public Global Accessible from any account
private Contract Accessible only from the current contract
internal Contract and Inherited Contracts Accessible within the current contract and any contracts that inherit it
external External Accounts and Contracts Accessible by external accounts and contracts, but not within the same contract

Smart Contract Interaction & Inheritance

In Solidity, smart contracts can interact with each other by calling functions and accessing data from other contracts. 

This allows for code modularity and reusability, making it easier to create more complex applications. Smart contract interaction is essential for building decentralized applications (DApps) that rely on multiple contracts working together seamlessly.

One way to interact with other contracts is by using the address type to store the address of the target contract. You can then call functions from that contract using the dot notation. 

This enables you to access the target contract's state variables and call its functions, passing any required arguments.

Inheritance is another powerful feature in Solidity that promotes code reuse and simplifies code maintenance. 

With inheritance, you can create a new contract that inherits properties and functions from an existing contract. This allows you to build upon existing functionality without having to duplicate code.

To implement inheritance, you use the is keyword followed by the name of the base contract you want to inherit from. 

This establishes an "is-a" relationship between the derived contract and the base contract. The derived contract inherits all the state variables and functions from the base contract, which can then be overridden or extended as needed.


To illustrate smart contract interaction and inheritance in Solidity, consider the following example:

Contract Description
ERC20Token A contract that implements the ERC20 token standard.
Crowdsale A contract that allows users to purchase tokens from ERC20Token using Ether.
CappedCrowdsale A contract that extends Crowdsale and adds a cap on the total number of tokens that can be sold.

In this example, CappedCrowdsale inherits from Crowdsale, which in turn inherits from ERC20Token. 

This inheritance hierarchy allows the CappedCrowdsale contract to access functions and state variables defined in both Crowdsale and ERC20Token. 

This way, you can create a crowdsale contract that not only follows the ERC20 token standard but also enforces a cap on the number of tokens sold.


Solidity is a powerful programming language that plays a crucial role in blockchain development. 

With its extensive features and tools, Solidity enables developers to create robust and secure smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. 

By mastering Solidity, you can unlock a world of possibilities in the realm of blockchain applications.

In this article, we covered the basics of Solidity, including data types, data structures, function visibility, modifiers, smart contract interaction, and inheritance.

Armed with this knowledge, you are well-equipped to embark on your journey of building blockchain applications using the Solidity programming language.

Remember, as you continue your learning journey, there are numerous resources available to further enhance your Solidity skills. 

Explore online tutorials, forums, and documentation to gain deeper insights into Solidity and its advanced features. 

By dedicating time and effort to mastering Solidity, you can become a skilled developer in this rapidly evolving field.


What is Solidity and what is it used for?

Solidity is the main programming language for writing smart contracts for the Ethereum blockchain. It is used to store the programming logic that interacts with the blockchain.

What is Remix and how does it relate to Solidity?

Remix is a browser-based IDE that allows you to write, compile, and deploy smart contracts using Solidity. It provides features such as code storage and makes developing smart contracts easier.

What data types and data structures does Solidity support?

Solidity supports various data types such as strings, booleans, integers, and addresses. It also provides data structures like enums, structs, and mappings to organize and manipulate data in smart contracts.

How can I specify the visibility of functions in Solidity?

Solidity allows you to specify the visibility of functions, determining who can call them. This helps control access to certain functions within your smart contracts.

Can I apply modifiers to functions in Solidity?

Yes, Solidity allows you to apply modifiers to functions. Modifiers add additional checks or operations before executing the code of a function, enhancing the security and functionality of your smart contracts.

What time-related features does Solidity provide?

Solidity provides time manipulation features, allowing you to work with time-related operations in your smart contracts. You can also access the current block timestamp for various purposes.

How can smart contracts interact with each other in Solidity?

Solidity enables smart contracts to interact with each other by calling functions and accessing data from other contracts. This promotes code modularity and reusability in your blockchain applications.

What is inheritance in Solidity?

Inheritance allows a contract to inherit properties and functions from another contract. This simplifies code maintenance and promotes code reuse, making your smart contracts more efficient and scalable.

Is Solidity a powerful language for developing blockchain applications?

Yes, Solidity is a powerful programming language for developing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It provides a wide range of features and tools that enable developers to create robust and secure blockchain applications.