Promoting Products & Articles Made Easy With Unique Article Wizard
Looking to promote and publish articles across the web? Perhaps your articles are promote affiliate products. Unique Article Wizard is today's best article submission service. Over 8,000 sites are on this service. Get your articles out there now!!
The one I really recommend is the Unique Article Wizard. This product is absolutely amazing. I can generate tons of back links to my sites and products with a minimal amount of extra effort. This is also a great product if you want to make commission from promoting products from other companies. Pretty sure you've heard of clickbank. Unique Article Wizard is a bit pricier than most other article submission services,

but if you read the reputable reviews around the net, you'll see that I am not the only one succeeding with this guide.The reasons why I recommend Unique Article Wizard so much is that you will get the most indexed links hands down. For example, I've also used Article Automation and UAW gets me a factor of 10 more links than AMA. There are currently more than 6000 blogs and article directories on the UAW network and depending on the categories I've selected for my article, I can usually get my articles submitted to about 800-1200 sites automatically after I hit the submit button through Unique Article Wizard. Not all of them get indexed of course, and in practice, I am able to find about 150 to 300 of my submissions actually get indexed by Google. That's just for a single article though. Can you imagine if you submit more articles frequently? The possibilities are endless.To start working with Unique Article Wizard, you usually need to submit 1 article and at least 2 rewrites of that same article. I am not really sure how exactly UAW makes your resulting articles unique, but it utilizes an interesting method to ensure that you can get the most variations of your articles possible. You may be put off by the effort to create 2 additional rewrites of your article, as this can take quite a bit of additional time. I've do it myself all the time, and I have always gotten my articles approved. However it is not required. So while others are toiling away writing three separate versions of their article, I can get my articles done in almost one-third the time when using Magic Article Rewriter (A great rewrite article program).As an added bonus, when you purchase this product they allow you to become an affiliate for their product. That means you'll be able to get comission everytime that product sells through your link. You can post the link on your website or even better, submit an article through this program.Unique Article Wizard is really a big part of my link building workflow for the past year, but I've really started using it more when I combined it with the article spinning abilities of Magic Article Rewriter. Using both these tools together has made my link building efforts much more efficient, and the more I use this program, the results just keep getting better. Just a few article submissions to a site is usually enough to get most of my sites ranked in the first couple of pages of Google. As I stated early if you want to promote clickbank products, Unique Article Wizard is your solution. Give this program a try and I can guarantee you will see results.Interested In BUYING This Product? CLICK HERE!!