When you are fired up and focused on the changes you want to see in the world, you won't even have to sell. Marketing is important, but any marketing you do must be preceded by defining the movement you want to perpetuate and the changes you want to make in the world.
I recently hosted an event in New York and a woman signed up for one of my programs. We'll call her Sally.
About a week after we met,
I had a call with her and she said, "I thought it was just wonderful how you did that entire day and you didn't sell anything."
I said, "Sally, you're in my program. You bought something."
And she said, "Oh, yeah. I didn't notice."
So that's the ultimate goal. You should be so fired up about what you do and you're just sharing your services and saying, "Listen, you want to play with me? Great! Here's how you can play with me," and you move on.
People will actually pay you money and they won't event notice that you sold them anything.
It's not about the sale, it's about the message. The people who are lined up for your message are a natural fit, and it doesn't even feel like a sale. They understand your message and they are ready to say yes.
Your goal should be to share your movement so frequently, and so effectively that the selling just becomes a natural part of your message. You're not really selling anything; you're just sharing your movement.
The bottom line is that marketing and sales strategies and tactics absolutely can work. But you can't follow anyone's marketing advice it if you're not solid in your movement and your authentic message and self. People are taking all of these programs and courses on marketing. They're looking for the next sexy thing: social media, micro continuity programs, teleclasses, everything you can imagine. The bottom line is, if you don't know what your movement is, you will not have long term success and you will not attract the ideal clients.
Many people approach building a business completely backwards. They learn how to market their business, but they don't really know why they are marketing.
Many people have a calling, they have an understanding of what they want to do in the world, but it's not in a model that can monetize.
You may be getting all this marketing information - it's all being thrown at you - but you don't have anything to attach it to. It's like one side of the sticky paper is missing.
You've got to be able to attach it to a movement. Your movement is more important than the marketing tactics you will employ - and it absolutely must precede any marketing you do. You must be the change you want to see in the world.
What changes do you want to see?
Once you are clear on the answer to that question, then you can develop a business model that will make you millions. You can learn exactly how to market that message and movement and do it with joy and fun and light and love.
If you don't know what it is you are offering, you must return to:
"What do you want to change?
"What is your movement?"