How To Improve Customer Service

Nov 2


Kelly Hunter

Kelly Hunter

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Simple tips for good customer service that can transform any business.


If you are in the customer service department or you are going into the customer service business,How To Improve Customer Service Articles you need to know that it's a hard field to get into. That is because, a lot of times, you could be dealing with customers on the phone or face-to-face. This means you have to be ready to deal with just about anything. Also, you have to be able to make the customer feel good, even if they are wrong or in a bad mood. After all, a lot of customers will call or come into your customer service department in a bad mood, because something is not working right. It's up to you to calm that person down, and let them know that you are there to help them. Today we are going to cover a few tips for good customer service skills that you will need. These tips can show you how to be the best customer service employee that you can possibly be.

First of all, you need to note that the quality of the customer service department can not exceed the overall quality of the people you have working in it and so on. Thus, if people in your customer service department are being paid low wages and have very few benefits, they are not going to feel like dealing with customers that are being rude. Pretty much, this means that the people that work in the customer service department are going to treat customers the way that they are treated. So keep in mind that your co-workers or your employees (depending on your position) are people too. It's not the company that is helping the customers, it's other people that are helping the customers, and they need to be treated like people so that they can treat the customers with the same respect.

Also, get to know the customers that come in a lot. These are people who are buying your products and are keeping you in business. Thus, if you have someone that comes in a lot with a problem, you are going to want to treat them like a good friend. These are very high value customers. After all, it's the repeat customers that are going to give a company most of their business. Also, you want your customers to know who you are. When people come in, they want to see a friendly face that they have worked with before. So having a lot of new people in customer service is never a good idea. You want to have employees in there that have worked a long time and are on name bases with the customers that come in. This makes them feel good, and makes the whole thing go very smoothly.

The last thing that you need to know, even though it sounds like something you would read in an employee hand book, is do not be afraid to go that extra mile to please people. This lets the customers know that you went out of your way to make sure that they were happy. For example, you could include a little thank you note on a package that a customer brought in. That way when they pick it up they will know that you care.