An effective marketing technique for any sales person and sales company is a web site.
More people are searching for information on the internet everyday. Why not put yourself where people will see you. It's another tool for your media marketing tool box.
A UCLA study reported in December of 2003 that more than half of Americans with Internet access buy things online. The number-one reason cited by these consumers for online transactions? Convenience. Given this finding, your web site needs to conveniently provide information for potential clients. Placing relevant information of interest to your target market is an essential marketing technique. Industry news, demographic data, forms and testimonials are a few things that will attract people's attention.
Give them useful information and they'll stay longer. If you change that information and keep it fresh, they will return. Give prospects the information they need or they'll look some place else to find it.
One thing when using this free marketing technique, don't make your web site a brochure for you or your company. One sure way to turn prospects off is to talk about you. They want to know how they will benefit from your product or service. So stress benefits not features. Remember WIIFM (What's in it for me).
This marketing technique provides numerous benefits to you:
* A website will give you a competitive edge.
* It's an effective method of advertising.
* It will enhance your credibility.
* It will enhance your communications efforts.
* It is available 24/7.
* It can be easily updated.
Join the 21st century and get your self on the web.
If you don't have a web site and you want to utilize this marketing technique and have the best possibility of success, a great resource for building a web site is Site Build It!.
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