If you are in the life insurance business you need every edge you can get. Here is how life insurance leads can make you money.
All sales businesses depend on leads. Life insurance leads may be generated in many ways,

but all leads are not the same quality. Some of the leads generated are much more likely to buy the life insurance product that you are selling than others are. If you can get good leads, your profit margin is maximized as you are able to spend time on leads that are most likely to produce sales.
Some leads are generated by customers satisfied with your satisfied customers, although if you are new in the business, you are not likely to generate enough leads to keep you going. You will have to find a way to generate more leads in order to be successful at your business.
Advertising may bring in a few more leads for the company, however, advertising must be placed in front of the correct people at the right time in order to be effective. Even yellow pages ads are less effective today than they were a few years ago, as internet directories have replaced the yellow pages for many people.
Telemarketing has been limited by federal do not call lists and has become very unpopular with many consumers.
There has been some success with internet marketing, however, there is no guarantee that any one campaign will be a success.
The following method of generating life insurance leads does work. You can often spend less than you would on an advertising campaign or even for the yellow pages add by simply buying leads. Buying leads allows you to spend your time calling target leads in your area that are interested in purchasing life insurance. The leads that are provided are persons that have recently (possibly just a few minutes ago) requested information on life insurance. They may be from your state or region, but they are hot life insurance leads.
This will allow you to spend your time selling insurance to buyers that want to buy your product. You can ask for exclusive leads, but you may pay more for those leads. It is worth the price difference, after all, who wants to spend their time calling people that have just signed up for insurance.
Many companies will allow you to buy a minimal number of leads to try out their product. You should ask for ten leads so that you can have an idea of how well the lead generation product works for you. When companies require more leads, it should serve as a red flag to you.
Before signing up to buy insurance leads, be sure that you understand the return policy. What happens if you get bogus or uninsurable leads? Can you return those leads for credit to your account? Part of the nature of buying leads is that you will get some false leads, but if that number gets to be over a certain percentage rate, you should be credited for the false leads.
Finally, take time to find out about service cancellation policies. How long of a notice must you give in order to quit? Will any deposits be returned?