When you're putting your sales pieces ... you canlearn a lot from ... it's a defense attorney or the ... thefirst thing a lawyer does is read the jury members. He does his b
When you're putting your sales pieces together, you can learn a lot from lawyers. Whether it's a defense attorney or the prosecution, the first thing a lawyer does is read the jury members. He does his best to get inside their heads to determine exactly what will get them to decide in his favor. The best lawyers are great people readers. You must learn what people's hot buttons are just as any good attorney does. Also like a good lawyer, you must realize your audience reacts on an emotional level. When you're presenting your case you must grab them by their emotions. He also appeals to all their senses. So should your sales letters. If you're selling food, your letter should literally make them water at the mouth. If you're selling opportunity offers, the reader should be made to see all the goodies their new found money will bring. So how do the legal beagles accomplish this? They study every bit of the evidence. You should study your product or service as just as diligently. Once they've gathered all the facts, they're ready to present their case. Your headline should be as well thought out as their opening words. You should get your customers' attention as compellingly as they capture their jury's. Once they've got a jury's attention they begin banging out the evidence. In the same manner you should be banging out your offers benefits. Bam ... Bam ... Bam! Once they've grabbed the jury by their emotions and pounded out every point to make their case, they give their closing statement and ask the jury for the verdict they've made the case for. The same applies to your sales letter. Grab their emotions, pound out your benefits and build your case. Then you're ready to ask them to pull out their wallets and place their order. Start presenting your case and the sales will come.
Are You Ready For The Publishing Revolution?
Are You Ready For The ... ... by John Colanzi ... has ... been ... a solitary ... wrote you article or book in ... You suMy Dumbest Marketing Blunder And How You Can Avoid Making It
My Dumbest ... Blunder And How You Can Avoid Making It by John Colanzi ... I started ... Ezine ... I never ... true power. I was just happy7 Secrets To High Performance Thinking - Part 6
Unlock the secrets of high-performance thinkers who choose their paths not for monetary gains but for the sheer joy it brings, embodying the Taoist belief that "The Journey is the reward." These individuals thrive under pressure, laugh at themselves, and view challenges as opportunities, blending work with pleasure seamlessly.