Selling Your Mortgage Product Over The Answering Machine
If you are a loan officer than you are no stranger to the telephone, which means you are not a stranger to answering machines. Also used widely to screen phone calls. Answering machines are very convenient for anyone that can't answer the phone, is on another line, or as I stated earlier wants to screen their call.
If you are a loan officer than you are no stranger to the telephone,

which means you are not a stranger to answering machines. Also used widely to screen phone calls.
Answering machines are very convenient for anyone that can't answer the phone, is on another line, or as I stated earlier wants to screen their call.
Even more convenient, if we don't want to listen to the message, we simply delete it.
So, if you are cold calling or following up on a lead someone gave you or on one that you bought from a mortgage lead company, you need to be absolutely sure that your message is not deleted.
So how do you do that?
For starters, get to the point. State who you are and why you are calling. Having something scripted in front of you as to avoid pauses and rambling. Smile as you talk and speak confidently, it reflects in your voice. Don't give the receiver of the message the impression that you are slumped over your desk and annoyed that you have to make phone calls at seven o'clock at night. In this scenario you will never get a call returned, if its not deleted first.
It helps to gather as much information as you can before hand so you have at least some idea of what products you have that may benefit them. Trust me, if you have something to benefit them, they will listen.
So.....dangle the carrot, give them a reason to call you back.
Say something such as "I reviewed some of your information and I believe I have a product with a good rate that will fit your needs. Please call me to discuss these products further."
It is so important to give the customer a reason to call you back, it is imperative that you peak their curiosity. Believe me, nine times out of ten they will call you back even if they are already working with someone.
I don't encourage taking other loan officers customers away but if you have the resources to provide the best product for the lowest cost than there is not a reason in the world why you should keep it to yourself.
Now, when they do call you back, make sure you are prepared to give them a presentation on the product or products you have available. Getting someone to call you back takes skill and work. So once they call you back you have won half the battle, and if they are calling you back it is because they need what you have to offer so make sure you are prepared to give it to them.