The Historical Appeal of Medieval Knight’s Helmets
All armor used by the heroic knights of the medieval era is still very much cherished and admired by all medieval lovers. Among this armor, the knight’s helmets are the most popular items and are used for a number of purposes.
Did you ever get a chance to go to a Renaissance Fair or a medieval reenactment? If you have ever been there,

then you must have come across the wide variety and styles of medieval knight costumes. If you have never been there, then you must have seen the plethora of these costumes in medieval inspired movies and television shows. The most interesting and popular of these are the medieval helmets. Medieval helmets hold a very significant history and were the most important component of a medieval knight’s costume. In the modern times too, everyone who is looking for a medieval costume or wants to participate in a battle reenactment considers medieval helmet as a must.
There are numerous types and styles of helmets that were used by the medieval knights. Today their replicas are largely reproduced and are greatly demanded by all medieval collectors and reenactors. Among the most popular medieval helmets are European Bascinet Helmet, Crusader Helmet, Viking Helmet and Sugar Loaf Helmet. The Bascinet helmet is one of the most familiar types of medieval helmet that was widely used by European knights. It was a fully covered helmet and provided complete protection to the head, face and neck. It featured small rectangular openings for eyes and few tiny holes on the front to aid ventilation. Similarly Sugar Loaf helmet and Crusader helmet were also completely closed with the only openings for visibility and ventilation. The replicas of Viking helmets are extremely popular as they feature an interesting look with horns protruding from the top. While these helmets are ideal for collection, decoration, costumes and stage performances, you can also don them on as practical armor items for SCA battle reenactments.
All of these helmets are found on almost every online armor replicas retail site. A majority of sites that deals in these replicas offers very authentic and historically accurate products. However, before purchasing you should make sure to check that the site is a well reputed and established one.