What Your Choice of Ring Finger Reveals About You
Have you been wearing a ring on the same finger for years or just recently started sporting a new piece of jewellery? According to experts, which finger you opt to use may reveal a considerable amount about your inner workings and your current state of mind.
Did you know the finger you chose to wear a ring on can tell people vast amounts about your personality. Just like body language,

your jewellery placement can give off subconscious signals that tells people something about you, whether it´s about your underlying character or your current intentions. Where you wear it can reveal more than your actual jewellery choice whether you´re sporting a diamond eternity ring or a gemstone ring.
The thumb is seen as the powerhouse. Those who chose to adorn this digit tend to have huge energy reserves and are strong-willed but also highly-emotional which can lead to occasional explosive outbursts. They are well aware of this tendency though and with their keen sensitivity to others try hard to keep this side of themselves under control. Attempts to reach out to others through harmonious communication does not come especially naturally but their need to be understood means they should be encouraged by those around them.
Conversely those who wear jewellery on their little finger or pinkie are open and loving and have no difficult in expressing their feelings to others, often bordering on the outrageously flirtatious. They can be know to be selfish however and quixotic in their nature, making for high-maintenance romantic partners.
Those who wear a ring on their index finger (next to the thumb) love authority and being in control, although inwardly they may actually be very shy and indecisive. They often have high social standing and are frequently in positions of power, something they actively strive for. If you are going on a date with someone wearing a ring on this finger be prepared to be conquered!
The middle finger has come to symbolise our own ego and sense of self more so than any other digit and so attempts to enshrine it with jewellery, thereby restricting it, is believed to show a person currently in some conflict with themselves. They may be unsure of their sense of identity or current role in society and may just need some gentle help or nurturing to get back to their old selves. Conversely many experts disagree with this, believing instead that the active binding of this finger shows independence and a strong character who will not be bossed around.
For those who chose to decorate their wedding or engagement ring finger (next to the pinkie) when not married or engaged, it becomes a sign of creativity and vivid imagination. They appreciate beauty, passion and the finer things in life and endeavour towards a life filled with romance and joy. It is felt this was originally chosen as the finger on which the exchange of nuptials should be represented because of the belief a vein ran straight from this finger only, to the heart, a sign of love.
A person who wears rings on all their fingers may have an intensely non-mainstream take on life. They can be fascinating to be around but lack self-confidence.