Locksmith Scammers, Australia, USA, Canada - Choosing a mobile 24 hour locksmith
Unfortunately the locksmith industry has been hit by locksmith scammers. This problem started in the USA and Canada and has now made its way to Australia. Locksmith Scammers operate all over the world and are taking advantage of consumers like you. So what can you do to avoid being a victim of a locksmith scammer?
Choosing a locksmith 101
- Are they licensed to operate in your state?
- Are they a member of any locksmith associations? Such as MLAA,
- Are the trade qualified?
- How long have they been in business?
- Can you find a person willing to make a reccomendation?
- Are the locksmiths in uniform?
- Does the locksmith have a sign written vehicle? eg. Company Logo, Phone #
- Is the locksmith insured?
- Check online for information about the company and not just on their website!
- Do they offer emergency 24 hour service?
- Is the locksmith open and upfront about their pricing?
Here is our biggest piece of advice if it sounds too cheap and too good to be true, it is! The locksmith scammers quote low over the phone and then jack the price up when they get to the job, often the price quoted is as low as $20 and then the scammers get there and you end up paying more than 10 times that!
We have been working in the locksmith industry for over 20 years, a good qulaity locksmith will charge between $120 and $150 to open a locked door, this price will go up after hours, weekends and holidays. So if you get quoted less than $100 you may be about to be the victim of a locksmith scammer.
Locksmiths are highly trained individuals, they can open locked doors at your home, business and on your vehicle. They can install locks, master keys sytems, restricted key systems and access control systems. They work on safes and vaults and CCTV and alarm systems. They make keys to all kinds of locks, even when you don't have a key! Locksmith can pick a lock, impression a lock and a variety of other non-destructive opening techniques, sometimes they have to drill locks but they have the skill and know how to repair or replace a lock. I bet you are amazed at what a locksmith can do? Is it any wonder you should be really thinking about choosing a locksmith.
If you need any security advice, please contact the author, if you are unsure of what locksmith to choose contact the locksmith association in your state, they will be able to point you to a reputable locksmith in your city or town.
Be proactive, seek out a good qulaity locksmith, save their number in you mobile phone and bookmark their website on your computer. If you take the time to be prepared and do the research before you get locked out you are making an informed decission not one that you make in a panic because its 2am and the kids are screaming and you're are freezing!