Revolutionizing Cleanliness: The Rise of Probiotic Cleaning Products

Apr 20


Ben Hoskyns

Ben Hoskyns

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Probiotic cleaning products are transforming the way we maintain hygiene, offering a sustainable and effective alternative to traditional chemical cleaners. Developed by Cleveland Biotech (CBio) in collaboration with TV personality Aggie MacKenzie, these innovative products harness the power of beneficial bacteria to combat harmful microbes, providing protection that lasts up to eight days without harming the environment.

The Science Behind Probiotic Cleaners

Probiotic cleaning products utilize naturally occurring beneficial bacteria to outcompete harmful pathogens on surfaces. This method,Revolutionizing Cleanliness: The Rise of Probiotic Cleaning Products Articles known as "competitive exclusion," ensures that once a surface is cleaned, there's no room left for harmful bacteria to re-establish themselves. Unlike conventional cleaners that kill 99.9% of bacteria (most of which are harmless), probiotic cleaners work by creating a protective barrier of good bacteria that continuously safeguards surfaces.

Clinical Evidence of Efficacy

Research conducted at the University of Newcastle demonstrated that traditional antibacterial cleaners are only effective for about 2-3 hours, killing a high percentage of bacteria but leaving space for pathogens like E. coli to grow and multiply. In stark contrast, probiotic products developed by CBio and endorsed by Aggie MacKenzie have shown to be 13,200 times more effective than leading antibacterial products in inhibiting the growth of harmful microorganisms over a 24-hour period.

Environmental and Health Benefits

One of the most significant advantages of probiotic cleaning products is their environmental friendliness. Traditional cleaning agents often contain harsh chemicals that can cause ecological damage and pose health risks to humans and animals. Probiotic cleaners, however, are biodegradable and non-toxic, offering a safe alternative for cleaning in homes, hospitals, and care facilities.

Expanding Applications

CBio's Managing Director, Ben Hoskyns, is actively seeking partnerships with hospitals and care homes to test these probiotic cleaners further, aiming to combat prevalent health threats such as MRSA and E. coli in public health environments. This initiative reflects a growing recognition of the need for more sustainable and health-conscious cleaning solutions in critical settings.

Public Perception and Adoption

Despite the proven benefits, the adoption of probiotic cleaning products faces challenges, primarily due to public perception. Many people are accustomed to equating cleanliness with the use of traditional disinfectants that promise to eliminate all microbes. Educating consumers about the benefits of maintaining a balance of beneficial bacteria is essential for wider acceptance of probiotic cleaning technologies.

Industry Impact

CBio, specializing in bacterial solutions since 1992, has a broad clientele that includes supermarkets, commercial kitchens, educational institutions, and more. Their products not only address surface cleaning but also offer solutions for managing waste, such as breaking down fats and grease in drainage systems.


Probiotic cleaning products represent a significant shift in our approach to hygiene, emphasizing sustainability, safety, and long-term effectiveness. As research continues and public awareness grows, these innovative products are set to redefine standards of cleanliness and health protection across various sectors.

For more detailed information on probiotic cleaning and its benefits, visit Cleveland Biotech's official website and explore research studies on probiotic cleaning efficacy.