What's the single most important thing you can do to increase your chances of getting clicks from the search engines? It's how you create your title tags. Learn this fool-proof method you can use on your next webpage.
It’s amazing to me that people spend hours optimizing their Google adwords ads to try for a better CTR (click through rate) but they don’t spend ten seconds thinking about their page title and description when they create a new webpage.
This is your big chance folks. Don’t blow it. This is the single best SEO (search engine optimization) technique you can use to get a good search engine ranking and get some free targeted traffic.
Think of your title as your headline and think of your page description as your ad copy. Use a fairly long and descriptive title. It has to grab attention too or no one will click on it. Example: The name of your page could be “How To Use Your Page Title For Maximum SEO Results“. Also,

this will be the page heading in h1 tags. Put some keywords in your meta tags too but don’t over do it. You don’t want the search engines to think you’re keyword spamming. I would use something like this for keywords: seo, page title, seo results.
Make sure you use the keywords from your title in your page text. Do it in a natural way don’t make it look fake. Think of the user that’ll be reading it. It does no good to get a bunch of traffic if the user just leaves right away when they see a bunch of spammy nonsense. When you save the file, call it something like this: seo-page-title-tricks. Always make the name of the page match what the page is about.
Example text for SEO page title and description:
Title Tag: How To Use Your Page Title For Maximum SEO Results
Description Tag: This Is The Biggest SEO Secret That All The SEO Pros Use. Find It Here.
Your Keywords: seo, page title, seo results
File name of the web page: seo-page-title-tricks
H1 Tag: How To Use Your Page Title For Maximum SEO Results
This is how it would look in the search engine listing:
How To Use Your Page Title For Maximum SEO Results
This Is The Biggest SEO Secret That All The SEO Pros Use. Find It Here.
Would you click on a listing like that? I bet you would if you were interested in SEO.
See how all the words start with a capital letter in the title and the description? Just like an ad you would pay for. It’s important to get the click. Google or Yahoo will take into account all the clicks and move your ad up in the results because it’s relevant since everyone is clicking on it so much. Use a call to action in the description such as, Find It Here. Use “How To” in the title if you can. People love to find out how to do things.
Not only does this make your listing get more clicks, it also helps the search engine know what your page is about. When you set up your page like this they will know right away that this page is all about using the page title for better seo. It’s simple really, most people just don’t ever consider it’s importance. If you write you web pages like this, you’ll be way ahead of 90% of the others. Try it and see.