Importance of Keywords in SEO

Feb 23




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A good web page contains information that people are looking for. When you write the page you need to take a step back and think about what search terms or keywords people would enter to find it. Once you have determined those keywords, you need to narrow them down to 3 to 5 main words.


Then you can start to write the page,Importance of Keywords in SEO Articles keeping these words in mind while you develop the content.

One of the first things anyone embarking on a search marketing effort learns is that effective selection and use of keywords can make or break a campaign. Keyword research is an art, but the appropriate use of tools can help you practice the art much more effectively.

Keyword Research:Keyword Research is the building block for search engine optimization. Search engines utilize keywords or key phrases to identify web pages which are relevant to these terms. Finding keywords / phrases which are relevant to your website and implementing them in your pages and links will help a search engine identify your webpage when a search is conducted for that particular keyword / phrase. Keywords have to be implemented on-page as well as off-page for higher ranking.

Building links is essential to gain more traffic and obtain a high ranking on search engines. But building links which are effectively optimized can score you extra points. Search engines analyze a link based on several factors, one being the text of the link itself. If your linking text, commonly referred to as anchor text, contains relevant keywords it indicates clearly what the link is connecting to.

Keyword research is not as simple as putting down a bunch of words which users may search for. Today people commonly use advanced tools to find appropriate keywords. Wordtracker, Overture Search Suggestion Tool and Keyword Discovery are some of the more commonly used tools. These tools will not only help you find keywords but will also help you determine the competition these keywords attract.

How to select keywords:

• Using generic terms to optimize your website and links is not a smart idea. Keywords which are most commonly searched for will be used by several thousands websites; competing with these already established websites may not improve your ranking at all.

• It is important that you select keywords which are not overused. Include keywords which receive a fair number of searches but have minimal competition. Optimize your website with these keywords and once you have established yourself, you will have the liberty to include more general keywords.

• When selecting less searched terms, one may always run the risk of less traffic. But this may be better than no traffic at all if the keywords used are highly competed for. One way to solve this problem is to go as specific as possible with your keywords.

• Finding the right keywords is not as easy as it may seem. The success of your website may depend on traffic directed from search engines; and to figure on a search engine you will have to optimize your site with relevant keywords. It also does not end with optimizing your site once; one has to continually analyze the popularity of keywords and make appropriate changes to your website.

Keyword Density:Improving the keyword density on your website is one of the fastest and simplest ways to increase your site's visibility in the search engine results pages. To better explain this reasoning, we will refer to a "keyword" as a word that your typical web surfer will input in the search box when searching for specific information about a product or service.

The true definition of keyword density is the ratio of the word that is being searched for, ie the keyword, against the total number of words appearing on a given web page. If your keyword occurs only once or twice in a page of 500 or more words, obviously it has a lower keyword density than a keyword that would occur six or seven times in a page of similar length.

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