Social Media Optimization and its five rules
The process of social media optimization can be summed into five basic rules as drafted by the author and term coiner “Rohit Bhargava”. These rules or guidelines help in conducting the Social Media Optimization for a client’s website.
Social media optimization is a vast and simple subject that works upon implementing the changes in the desired website to enhance its Link ability and make it more visible in social media searches on custom search engines. The objective behind this is to become popular amongst posts on blogs,

podcasts and vlogs.Increase your Link ability: This helps in generating the business through the relevant customers. increasing the links is make them more active because over a period of time the websites tend to get static as they are not updated constantly and are used as a storehouse of the company product information. This makes them loose their sheen in terms of ranking. A few regular additions of the blog in the relevant website are the first step in increasing the Linkability of the content. Make use of relevant data conversion on some other existing site into a useful content for one also enhances links for the desired website. Make tagging and book marking easy: Building pages needs inclusion of relevant tags, suggesting notes for links, and ensuring to tag our pages first on popular social book marking sites.Reward inbound links: these are the barometers to judge the success of a good blog and then a website. These inbound links are parameters for rising in search results and overall rankings. So to encourage them and one has to make these links easier and provide specified rewards. These rewards are the evidence of greater visibility for those who are getting linked with the relevant site.Help your content travel: social Media Optimization is just not making changes and then sit back and wait for results. When the site owners are equipped with portable content (like PDFs, video files and audio files), then submitting these contents to the relevant sites helps in making the content travel further thereby obtaining links back to your site.Encourage the mashup: syndicating the content through the method of RSS will help in creating mashup. This mashup drives traffic in the desired direction and also augment the contents available at your site.Social media optimization encourages new techniques and promotes them for better optimization.Media Marketing Online is one of the leading Seo Company which helps companies in promoting their websites through SEO. To know more about this company, log on to its website: