How to increase your ranking in search engines
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How to increase ranking in Search Engines.
Welcome to how to increase ranking in search engines, Today we are going to work with using keywords, recipricol linking, keywords in links, and content in order to get a good page ranking in any of the major search engines.
No matter how many keywords, or links your page has, the fact of the matter is that all of the major search engines love content. It has always been this way, and it will always be this way. Having great content is what every search engine strives for because it meets the need of their customers.
Your going to want to create a content rich page first, and worry about links/keywords later. You want your content to cater to the keywords on which you wish to get listed. As soon as you finish this content, it's time to move on to keywords.
Keywords have many myths and reality, the only thing known is that you must have keywords in your webpage. I beleive that the Search Engines love keywords that look like small sentences. Make it look like a small phrase. Don't over do it with keywords, but make sure you get your 1st keyword(s) in the heading under
Top keyword
. Put your 1st keyword in the title of your page. TIP: When putting a keyword in your title or description, try to place your keyword before anything else. Ex.For the keyword "high ranking" "The best website for high ranking"<-- NO ,"High Ranking website, The best" <-- Better (This can also be used with keywords in links)
Recipricol Linking
Warning: Reciprocol linking is very time consuming, but does work. You will be glad you did it in 3 months. There are also some myths and truths when using Recipricol Linking. First of all, Quality is Better than Quantity, Links pointing to you, and no links on your page pointing back is good, and might even be better than reciprocol linking (Depending on the quality of the site linking to you) Quality - If you want to get a good listing in a certain major search engine, take your top keyword, and search for it using this search engine. Go to the top 50 sites listed for this keyword, and ask for a recipricol from every one of them, ask if they want a link returned to them after they agree to linking. If they don't - this is fine. Again, If your not listed at all with this search engine, and this may be your first site, not too many people are going to want to link with you. Well quality is top priority, but if you still need links, get alot of lower quality links. After all, Low quality links are better than none!
About the Author:
Nick McPherson has been successfull from home for a couple of years now, and has been looking for people to join his team. You can get more information here: or