Too often it seems that people go about their worlds thinking only in the third dimension and the interaction and balance between their physical selves and the surrounding world. But a new balance should be attained where things are less centered in the mind, and more centered toward the heart.
As the balance of power in our society, on our planet, and within ourselves shifts from the male energy domination to a balance with the feminine, there is also a fundamental shift taking place within our bodies. This shift is one from a mind-centered existence to one that is more heart-centered.
Until recently, we have been living in a Third Dimension reality, defined by what we know as width, length, and height. What we could see is what we would believe. In this dimension we are bound by time and our ego feels separated from the whole. We were, in fact, believing an illusion as limited by the logical perceptions of our mind.
This is often referred to as our state of being asleep in consciousness, having forgotten who we truly are as we came to this planet of life. We are now in a time of awakening, a time of remembering, as the old belief systems that we are limited beings is expanding with the consciousness of truth.
In the Third Dimension our minds are detached from our hearts. Our logical thinking has dominated our living out of balance with our feeling natures, out of touch with the heart center where we experience the feeling of love. We are focused on material concerns. Many people experience this as living as human doings instead of human beings. The being part, of course, is a greater sense of our place in the world, a sense of purpose, a sense of connection, a sense of freedom.
The heart is the center of our being, the core connection between our physical body and our higher communication centers. As we are being urged to be more heart-centered, our ego self is being transformed to a greater understanding that we are all part of the whole. Many people have experienced a sense of separation, even when they are in crowds, a feeling of letting go of the familiar, and uncertainty and fear as the new paradigm for living is in the process of development. Every one of us is participating in the evolution of life on this planet now. There is a growing sense of deep longing for connection, often described as a longing for home.
Many describe a feeling that their passion is gone, a sense that they are destined for something greater, a general feeling of a lack of fulfillment or a knowing that something is missing from their lives. Many have a sense of disorientation, frustration or fear in this place of not knowing what is going on and what is going to happen. Our logical minds have always felt comforted in knowing and yet now we are in a time of change.
With the new energies that have been presented on the planet and the collective consciousness advancing, we opened our hearts to a new sense of longing to be connected and to live a life of some greater destiny. Most of us have been playing small, and it is now time for us to claim our power. The internet, which provides almost everyone with a global connection, is symbolic of our intention to be connected as a global community. This was a powerful demonstration of our desire to experience the whole.
This is the time for the balance of our masculine and feminine natures. This is the time to reclaim the balance of our lives between work, play, self, and others. This is the time to recognize that as we evolve with the balance of our selves, we are activating a powerful awakening that will create the balance of our homes, communities, and global connections.
We are here to be a part of the grand Earth experiment for the evolution of this planet and as we participate more fully, more consciously, we are speeding up the process to move more completely into the Fifth Dimension and beyond.
Each and every one of us are here to be a powerful part of this dynamic time of evolution on our planet. Embrace your own power and celebrate the magic of these very dynamic times!
What's Going On?
We are as a people and as a planet in a time of dynamic change that is certain to change life as we know it. These changes are shifting the consciousness of the planet and the very paradigms that we have been raised with.Are You Living a Groundhog Day Life?
Are you trapped in a life that seems as though it is a daily repeat of the day before. Sometimes it's not the situations in your life that should change, but rather yourself and your way of thinking.Music for Manifesting
About how music influences the choices and the outcomes of events in our lives. You can choose to tap into the music you listen, and how the music you choose to listen to can change your being.