Are you working at a job you can't stand? Would you like to quit, but are afraid you'll attract more of the same? Often people write to me with questions like: I want out of my present job so badly. How can I speed things up so I can quit?
The best way to shorten the time spent in a negative situation is to focus on all the positives you can. If you can find something to appreciate--even if its appreciating a regular paycheck which DOES cover some of your essentials--you will begin to feel better. As you feel better, you'll find it easier to notice another thing you appreciate about your job.
What if you can’t find a single positive aspect of your present job? If you don't change the way you feel about your current job, you will simply attract another miserable job.
"Sometimes it's easier to act your self into a new way of thinking,
than it is to think your self into a new way of acting."
-Jo Berry, author
Years ago, in Los Angeles, California, I heard Jo Berry speak about how to get rid of a bad habit. Jo asked her audience, "How long have you thought about giving up this habit? Has it done any good to just think about it?"
At the time, I had thought and thought about quiting smoking. No matter how much I thought about quitting, I had not made it through one day in over ten years without a cigarette. (Now, through understanding how the Law of Attraction works, I can see that by "pushing against" a habit, I was reinforcing it.)
Jo told us that if we started to ACT LIKE what we wanted to be or do, then our thoughts and feelings would follow. In the flash of a moment, I understood that I could quit smoking by acting like a non-smoker. Of course the next question was, "How does a non-smoker act?" Quickly followed by, "What does a non-smoker do with their hands?" The answer came ever so gently: "They fold their hands." I figured that folding my hands when I wanted a cigarette was symbolic as well as appropriate! And it worked. I haven't had or wanted a cigarette since Sept. 13th, 1976.
Instead of trying to change the way you think about your job, begin to get a picture of yourself acting like you enjoy THIS job. What would you say or do differently? Try ACTING in a new way then notice how much better you feel.
Law of Attraction: You Only Need 51% Belief to Begin Attracting
Too many people "beat themselves up'" as they learn about the Law of Attraction and begin to apply it in their lives. They are under the impression that in order to receive, they must have 100% belief -- no doubt at all. And so they try to convince themselves, and the Universe, that they DO have 100% belief, when, in their heart, they don't. Here's how you can manifest what you want with less than 100% belief.Law of Attraction: Setting Your Preferences for Maximum Attraction
The Law of Attraction teaches us to recognize our personal preferences by noticing how things feel and asking ourselves, "Which feels better? This or that?" When we take the time to notice our feelings, we learn about ourselves in a way that leads to great personal freedom and happiness. Knowing and honoring your personal preferences causes you to fulfill ALL your life purposes -- naturally.Law of Attraction: How to Detach Yourself from the Outcome of Your Desires
This article helps depict how to manifest what you desire by letting the law of attraction bring that to you and being open to accepting it.